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Day 1 is the day a woman starts bleeding. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 given that a period is regular. Day 1 is the day a woman starts bleeding. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 given that a period is regular.

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Q: Is the day of ovulation considered day 1 or would the day after be considered day 2?
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What if you missed your ovulation day by 1 day can you still be pregnant?

NO, damage would be already done !

You make love 1 day to your ovulation can you get pregnant?

yes you can get pregnant

Is it possible to get pregnant 9-13 days after 1 day of last period?

Yes if you have an average cycle of 28 days, day 13 would put you right at ovulation.

When do you mark your calendar?

the day you get your period is day 1 ovulation happens around day 14 and by day 28 you will start again.

Why would you have period like bloating 1 day after ovulation?

Some women experience symptoms with ovulation while others never notice it at all. Bloating, cramping, craving, all the typical signs of PMS can be signs of ovulation also. If it continues for the next month or so, call you physician so that any cysts can be ruled out.

Is it bad to have a three day period?

The length of your period is not important, as long as you are ovulating and have a long enough luteal phase. The length of the luteal phase (the time span after you ovulate and until menstruation begins) is critical to being able to get pregnant. A three day period is still considered within the normal range for normal menstruating women. If you have a much shorter period (1 day or less), then it would be a sign to check for other problems, such as non-ovulation and PCOS, since "breakthrough bleeding" is often a symptom of non-ovulation.

What time after or before menstruation are the best chances of conceiving?

Ovulation occurs about 14 days before your period is due, so carefully timing sexual intercourse is the way to conceive naturally. If you have a 30 day cycle ovulation would happen about Day 16, a 26 day cycle would be about Day 12, etc. Count forward from Day 1 (the day your period starts). Have intercourse every other day starting two days before you expect to ovulate through two days after.

Why does the lining of the uterus decrease between day 1 and day 5?

Because its when ovulation occurs and the inside liquids "eat" at the uterus lining.

Is it possible to release a egg 1 day before your period starts?

It's possible to have bleeding a day after ovulation, but unlikely to have a "real" period a day after releasing an egg.

How long is considered day 1 after a breakup and makeup?

The day after a breakup will be considered day 1 of the breakup or the make up. For example, if the breakup happens on a Tuesday, then day 1 will be Wednesday.

If you have a negative ovulation test does that mean your pregnant?

No it just means you are not ovulating. The egg is only present a 1 day a month.

Can ovulation start day 1 after your period ends?

Yes, it is very uncommon but it is possible if a woman's cycle is very short.