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Q: When will the earth be so polluted no one can live there?
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Why does land look all one color green from space when its not all color green from earth?

it doesn't. that's just one of the colors, but people draw it that way so other people wont think the earth is so polluted

Why is river Ganges so polluted?

It is one of the most populated areas which causes more people to live there. Therefor this leads to more pollution.

Why are wall e and cockroach all alone earth?

The Earth became so polluted that all the humans left the Earth on a Spaceship and all the animals and plants presumably died out.

What happens on earth but not on the moon?

A lot of things happen on Earth but not on its Moon. The main one is probably weather. people live on earth so they can breathe, and no one can breathe on the moon so no one lives there.

Why is Lake Erie become polluted?

because people thnk that its ok to put there trash there but also because water travels in one direction so the water travels all around the earth so trash is in the water and the water is in lake eire causing it to become polluted

How can you make the world you live in a cleaner and greener place to live in?

By picking up the rubbish so that the world won't be polluted and filled with dirty thing.

Why is Antarctica so easily polluted?

Antarctica is the most pollution-free continent on earth. The air is so clear that humans used to judging distances through polluted air cannot judge distance in Antarctica. For example, mountain peaks that are 30 miles away appear to these humans, to be about 70 miles away.Antarctica is the least polluted continent on earth. In fact, there is so little particulate in the air, that there is no indoor dust.

How much polluted water is on earth?

About 2% of the total water on Earth is polluted to the point that humans cannot drink it.97% is ocean water, and a lot of water is locked in the ice caps or aquaphors far underground, so this is a significant amount. Only about 1% is drinkable for humans.

Where does Gaia live?

She is Mother earth, so, she will live on the earth because she is not an olympian.

What is the position of the earth if it undergo four seasons?

so we can live on earth. and live with changes.

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there is oxygeb on earth so people can live

What rhymes with convoluted?

so polluted