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it doesn't. that's just one of the colors, but people draw it that way so other people wont think the earth is so polluted

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Q: Why does land look all one color green from space when its not all color green from earth?
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How does a space shuttle get to space and back to earth?

The Space Shuttle lands like a plane. When it gets to earth, there is a runway and it will land smoothly on the ground.

What planet is blue and green color?

Earth can be considered somewhat greenish, especially in land areas thick with vegetation and seas filled with algae. But the planet you're likely thinking of is Uranus, whose atmosphere (as observed by Voyager 2, et. al.) appears to be a pale greenish-blue.

What makes the color in the sunset?

Whenever the sun sets in the horizon, we all know that the shades of color it gives off is magnificent. This is caused by the rotation of the Earth. The Earth revolves around the sun and rotates at a tilt at the same time. What may appear to be the sun setting is actually the Earth spinning around to face the part in space adjacent to the sun. The sun is being partially blocked off by the land on Earth to the point when the sunlight spreads in different directions. When the sun finally goes down, the sky is now the color of space which is what you are looking at.

Can the Space Shuttle land on Venus?

The space shuttle is designed to land only on the planet Earth. It delivers various payloads into orbit, it does not land on other planets and is definitely not capable of doing so.

How do space shuttles get payload back to earth?

When the space shuttle goes through the atmosphere, the space shuttle can then by itself land safely because no fuel will be needed. You can use the atmosphere of the earth to slow the space shuttle down allowing it land safely with the payload. The payload will still be on the space shuttle because it won't be removed, only the equipment will be removed from the space shuttle. The shuttle has to do no work whatsoever when bringing it back to earth because it won't be needing fuel when landing on earth.

Related questions

Is the earth a blue green color?

cuz water and land

Why does the earth look blue when you see from space?

It's the water, and the green is land.

What color us probably found on a globe more often then any other colors why?

Green and blue, because the earth has land (which is green) and the earth has oceans (which is blue)

What color is used on a map for land?

On a globe, land is green

What is a visible feature that distinguishes Earth from other planets?

From space you can see that Earth is klight blue, with green spots. Which are the ocean and land, which no other planet has (except maybe Neptune)

What are 2 color of nature from earth and sky?

Green and blue are two colors of nature because we find land masses covered with green plants and trees while the sky is blue.

Why is earth green and blue?

because blue is for the water and green for land

Why does the earth looks like blue ball from the space?

Because of the ocean. You ever wondered why the sky is blue? That's O3 (Ozone). Maybe that has something to do with it too.Water covers about 70% if the Earth and land covers about 30%, Water appears blue, land green or brown. Clouds (there are lots) are white.It doesn't "appear" blue. It is blue. But there is also patches of land. (BTW, there is nothing wrong with that statement...)Bluish, yes.Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface. The amount of water is close to 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons which is a lot. As the water covers more area than the land, the Earth appears blue from space. If you notice, you will be able to see the brown of land, but not much of it. But it depends which continents are present also. If North America and South America is present, there will be lots of water and less land, but if Asia and Africa is visible, there will be more land than water.

What color is land on a map?

mostly green or yellow

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Which color to use to show flat land?


What is that 90s cartoon called with 5 aliens purple green red orange and two-headed red that land on Earth?

its called the SPACE GOOF my friend