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As soon as it heals up, piercings take weeks to heal not days. You need to just let it heal and don;t mess around with it too much, doing so will slow the healing rate down.

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Q: When will the swelling of your lip pierce go away?
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How do you pierce your own lip without it swelling or getting infected?

you don't. go see a professional. and it will still swell some.

Will the swelling from a busted lip stay if you don't put ice on it?

No. The swelling should go away in a few hours depending on how bad it is.

How do you heal a swollen lip pierce?

You can't really "heal" it your self. It takes time for the swelling to go down. Mine took about 1-2 weeks.

Is there a way to get a busted lip to go away faster?

To get a busted lip to go away faster, apply ice as soon as possible. Ice will help to reduce the swelling and also take some of the pain away. Taking an anti-inflammatory medicine may also help.

Can you pierce your lip by yourself?

No you need to go to a professional piercer

Can you re-pierce your lip?

Yes you can. Be sure to go to a pro and let them know before they re-pierce it. == ==

How do you hide a lip piercing if i just pierce it yesterday?

If it is absolutely necessary go to your piercer and ask about a glass retainer. You really shouldn't change it and it will still be visible with a glass retainer. The swelling may be obvious too.

When piercing your own lip should you pierce it inside out or outside in?

Don't do it yourself. Go to a person who knows how. This is not something you want to do wrong because it could ruin your lip for the rest of your life. But if you were to pierce it yourself pierce it from the outside going in.

How do you make the swelling go down after getting your lip piereced?

i have never had my lip pierced, but my friend did and it swelled up, so she put ice on it and the swelling went down. try it. i hope it works for you.

How can you make the swelling of your fat lip go down within two days?

ice it

How do you do a lip pericing?

You don't pierce your lip with the ring, you need a specific sized needle, and then you slide the ring in. I'd recommend going to a professional unless you wish to have an infection or pierce it in-correctly.

How do you make a bitten lip go away?

You can put chest Rub to make It go away