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There are a number of reasons why urine might not be clear, cloudy. Some of these are dehydration, excess protein or crystalline substances, or blood in the urine. It can also be due to infections in the urinary tract.

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Q: When would urine not be clear?
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Will clear urine take THC out?

If you are talking about diluting your urine with water to pass a urine test, then no, this would not be an ideal method to use in a urine test situation. If the color of your urine is too clear, many places that test urine will ask for another sample. Only time will clear your body of THC.

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clear urine is pure urine the same as coloured urine is colured urine. if it comes out of the end of the uereretra it is pure. Under normal cicumstances.

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By white urine you mean clear urine or white because clear urine is just urine but white urine is semen and if you had a "tickling" sensation before it happened then its semen.

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Not as long as it really is urine and there is no dope in it.

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There's no relation to urine and menstruation.A females urine is supposed to be clear, and periods can start early.

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clear transparency is the normal characteristic of the urine

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probably because its clean and theres nothing in it

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, No

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Can urine be used to clear skin?

I heard it actually can clear skin.

If you want yellow urine what vitamin do you take?

If your urine is any color but yellow i would suggest consulting your family physician. However, having clear urine is completely normal and is actually the most healthy color urine to have. There is really not a vitamin to turn your urine a specific color.