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No. You are describing a sexual orientation called autosexuality. Being gay is not the same as being autosexual. You are describing Narcissism or insecure, self-obsessed people.

Narcissistic people will check themselves out constantly. People who are very insecure will do the same. Your self-identity is how you think of yourself, if you have self-esteem and how much. Being a boy, girl, hetero, bi or homosexual does not dictate how much you like yourself. Paris Hilton seems to check herself out often, Perez Hilton seems to do the same. It has nothing to do with their sexuality but how much emphasis they put on what others think of them.

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Q: When you are gay do you look at yourself and check your self out?
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Well, obviously you are totally homophobic. So just be yourself and tell them all your favorite gay-bashing jokes. If they are gay, and if they have any self-respect at all, they will stop speaking to you. Problem solved.

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The act of kissing oneself in the mirror does not determine one's sexual orientation. It is normal for individuals to explore their own bodies and experiment with self-expression. Sexual orientation is a personal and complex aspect of identity that involves more than just specific behaviors.

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homosexual= a person attracted to other people of the same sex. (gay/lesbian) narcissist= shallow, self absorbed, vain, someone who is obsessed with how they look.

If you do gay things with yourself are you gay?

By definition, you can't do gay things with yourself. You also can't do heterosexual things with yourself. What you do with yourself is called masturbation, which is not gay, nor straight. Remember, you need to be with another person to do any gay or heterosexual 'things'. Furthermore, you're gay if you are attracted to other humans of your sex. If you are not, then you're not gay.

Is it gay to look at guys buttocks?

Just noticing another guy's buttocks doesn't mean that you are a gay man. It is just the human body. The human body is neutral and only has whatever meaning you attach to it. Now, if you find yourself compelled to look at men's buttocks, and you get aroused inside, and you find yourself wanting to have sex with these men, then that could indicate that you are gay or bisexual.

You are a gay what should you do?

be gay, i.e yourself (not a stereotype)

Is Kitty from Mindless Self Indulgence gay?

No, Kitty is not gay.

If you could marry yourself would it be proceebed as self love gay or selfishness?

Pure narcissism, baby. Or maybe it'd be the "age of the autosexual." Something like that.

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You can't date yourself.