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Q: When you burn fossil fuels such as coal oil and natural gas to drive your cars use electricity or make products you are releasing this greenhouse gas?
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Is electricity produced by burning greenhouse gases?

When coal and oil are burnt to generate electricity, they are converted almost entirely to greenhouse gases. When natural gas is burnt to generate electricity, some of it is converted to water and some is converted to carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Because of this, natural gas is preferable as a fuel, compared to coal and oil. Generating electricity from wind, water flow (hydro-electricity), solar energy and hot rocks (geothermal electricity) emits no greenhouse gases.

How do human activities affect the natural environment and how you can save it?

Pollution and oil spillsBurning fossil fuels releasing greenhouse gases.

When did greenhouse gas start?

Greenhouse gases started millions of years ago, before life began on earth. They keep the planet warm enough for life, through the natural carbon and water cycles of the planet. Man began producing greenhouse gases about 260 years ago, at the start of the Industrial Revolution, when we dug up and burned coal and oil for industry, transport, and later, for the generation of electricity. These fossil fuels are releasing extra greenhouse gas which is now overwhelming the natural carbon cycle.

Which type of energy releases greenhouse gases when used to make electricity?

Natural gas

What type of energy released greenhouse gases when used to make electricity?

coal and natural gas

Is carbon dioxide a greenhouse effect?

No, carbon dioxide (CO2) is NOT an effect of the greenhouse effect. It is one of the causes. With other greenhouse gases it is responsible for the natural greenhouse effect, and the extra levels of CO2 from burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, are causing the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is why global warming is happening.

Is the greenhouse effect caused solely by humans?

No, there is a natural greenhouse effect which has kept the earth warm for millions of years. By burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, humans are causing the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

Would greenhouse gases increase in the greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse gases will increase as long as we keep burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, which releases carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas causing global warming.

What are the common greenhouse gases and how do they enhance the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide and methane. Human activity is releasing more and more of these gases from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation (cutting down trees which previously removed carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere).So the natural greenhouse effect that has kept the earth warm for millions of years is being enhanced into an accelerated greenhouse effect.

How does electricity affect the Greenhouse effect?

Electricity is only indirectly related to the greenhouse effect since it is not a greenhouse gas, however, a lot of electric generation is done by burning fossil fuels, which of course does release carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. Any use of electricity has what can be called a "carbon footprint". Of course, that is also true of everything that human beings do. Everything has some degree of impact on global carbon dioxide levels; even breathing releases carbon dioxide.

How have humans or natural changes created greenhouse gases?

Humans create greenhouse gases by burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, which releases carbon dioxide (CO2). Cattle rearing and rice paddy fields release methane (CH4), another greenhouse gas. Natural causes of greenhouse gases are volcano eruptions, and the rotting of any organic matter (trees, plants and animals).

Why should we care about the greenhouse effect?

The natural greenhouse effect keeps the planet comfortably warm, warm enough for life. Now, however, by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and to make electricity, we are adding additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. This is producing an enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming. This is why we should care and try to stop it.