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When you buy a styling studio the money goes to the website just like when you buy something from the shop.

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Q: When you buy a stylingstudio design on stardoll where does the money go?
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Stardoll won't let me purchase my design?

if stardoll wont let you buy your design, then something is wrong with the system. the same thing happens to me but it usually works in a few days. <3 Or check if you have enough money, sometimes stardoll doesn't work but in the next few days it will. Join my club girlshasgossip or add me on stardoll. Im sugar2m31

How do you earn money in stardoll?

You can get money on stardoll by playing games, dressing up dolls, or you can buy some on the website.

What is a stardoll code?

a stardoll code is a code you buy from local stores. it gives you either more money or a superstar account?

Is it a good idea to spend real money to get Stardollars on Stardoll?

Yes it is really because the more stardollars you have the more things you can buy or design. You can even redecorate your suite with the,. Being a member on stardoll myself i bought 200 stardollars on stardoll and i believe it was worth it. I hope i helped you and if you'd like to talk about any other problems that you are facing on stardoll please don't be shy to ask me on my message board or on stardoll : Billiep707.

Why cant you buy any makeup on stardoll without being a superstar?

Well I'm a non superstar and stardoll says it takes a lot of money to make stardoll and it's true if we didn't have superstar then we'll get all the items (clothes, makeup etc.) which cost real money for stardoll.

How do you buy SD's on stardoll?

You just click buy next to where your money shows up, it then gives you a list of options of how to pay

What are some stardoll codes?

If you want codes on Stardoll you will have to buy them. No one will want to give you any because they have bought them for THEIR SELVES. They wouldn't want to waste their money.

How do you send money to people on stardoll?

u only can give money if ur superstar by buy things on starbazaar or giving a code for money

Can you buy stardoll cards from Morrison?

You can buy stardoll gift cards from morrisons but i can get it free go 2 Stardoll and izzyglam

How can you get money on stardoll if you don't have any more money?

You can earn 5 stardollars a day by playing the games provided or buy them click BUY and choose your option!! xxx

Do you have to pay money in stardoll?

Yes. You buy stardollars with it. But you get 1 stardollar a day if you log in everyday.

What to do if you buy stardoll superstar without signing in?

you can't you have to sign it.. sadly nearly everything costs money