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You could be referring to criteria, which can be used to specify what conditions records need to meet to be selected. So you might want to show all people living in a certain region, or all people who were born in a particular year, or all people earning over a certain amount per month. You would set criteria to do these things.

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Q: When you create a query you tell Access what should be used to select the data?
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create tab

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You can use the Create Table Wizard, a Make Table Query or a Data Definition Query as ways that are built into Access to create tables.

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To create a query that will display the top five orders in descending order by order total create a select query object. Open the query design table and select the top five orders, then choose to display them in descending order.

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If its 2007, Go to the "Create" tab, then "Query design" drag all the fields into the table at the bottom, Presto.

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I have the same question but well a not-so-elegant solution would be to define a view within your DBMS e.g. CREATE VIEW view_name AS (SELECT ...your_query) and then apply a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM view_name

If you need to use a field in an Access query but don't want it to display in the results you should?

As long as the field is not listed as part of the SELECT clause, it will not appear in the results.

How can I suppress 0 in an access query expression?

You would need to exclude the unwanted values in the where clause of the query, for example;select * from InvoiceLines where InvoiceValue 0

What can a select query do?

Select query come under the category of DRL (data retrieval language). A select query is used to retrieve data from DB.

What is select query?

Select query is a DRL. DRL stands for Data retrieval language. Example select * from table_name;

What is a select query?

Select query is a DRL. DRL stands for Data retrieval language. Example select * from table_name;