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Q: When you drink alcohol about what percentage is absorbed by the stomach?
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Where is alcohol absorbed?

When you take a drink, about 20 percent of the alcohol is absorbed in your stomach; the remaining 80 percent is absorbed in your small intestine.

What aborbs alcohol first after a drink?

Alcohol is first absorbed in the mouth and then the lining of your stomach.

What happens when you drink alcohol with an empty stomach?

Alcohol is more readily absorbed on an empty stomach, than the slow absorption on a full stomach.

Does foods with protein good to absorb alcohol?

Having food in your stomach does not really affect alcohol consumption, but it does affect alcohol digestion. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood more rapidly if there is no food in the stomach. But the amount that you drink remains up to you, whether your stomach contains food or not.

BAC go down if you vomit?

No it does not, you will have stopped any alcohol in your stomach from getting into your blood but it will not have been much. Most likely just their last drink, alcohol is absorbed from the stomach into the bloodsteam very quickly.

Is a carbonated drink absorbed faster because of carbonation?

For one thing Beer is a carbonated alcoholic beverage and no it depends on the amount of alcohol in the drink and the amount of food in the stomach,

Why does alcohol Make A Difference If You Are Hungry?

If you drink on a empty stomach your body will absorb the alcohol faster. It is not being absorbed by the food in your digestive system that would take longer to digest.

What different types of alcohol can you drink besides 'wine if you have the lap-band?

You can drink any form of alcoholic beverage (beer, wine or spirits). However, alcohol will be absorbed more quickly in your body if you have a lap band. Drink slowly and have a full stomach to reduce the rate of alcohol absorption.

Where does the alcohol that you drink go in your body?

Alcohol is absorbed through the blood stream

When consuming alcohol first will eating help absorb the alcohol?

No. Eating will slow the absorption of alcohol a little, but the total amount absorbed will not change appreciably. In other words, you can't drink more just because you have a full stomach.

Where does alcohol primarily enters the bloodstream through?

There really isn't any othe answer but to drink it. That is manely what it is made for. It is a liquid.

If the stomach is empty absorption will be more rapid and the effects of alcohol would be more severe than if the stomach were full true of false?

absolutely.try it for yourself, drink a 6 pack on a full stomach, then try on empty. big differenceTrue - Avoid drinking on an empty stomach