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Q: When you flush a goldfish down the toilet does it grow big and ugly?
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Flush it down the toilet Don't buy it or grow it.

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yes, make sure you flush properly because in have heard cases of orange trees growing through somebodys toilet

Why do bumps grow on your goldfish?

because your goldfish has a tomber(cancer)

When does a baby goldfish grow full size?

no because, a baby goldfish takes 1 year to grow.

How does a goldfish grow as a size of a foot when in seawater and still the same size when in a bowl?

Goldfish release growth-inhibiting hormones into the water they live in: the more goldfish in a smaller space, the less likely they are to grow. For instance, if I have a common goldfish in a 5 gallon tank, it will grow to about the same size if I had 6 of the same fish in a 30 gallon tank. But leave that fish alone in a 30 gallon tank, and it will grow larger. This is why pond goldfish grow bigger. But goldfish won't grow at all in seawater; they aren't saltwater fish.

Why dont goldfish grow very big?

Goldfish commonly grow to over 10 inches given proper care and conditions.

Do goldfish grow?

Yes, they will grow almost to half the size of their tank.

Does a cleanerfish or a goldfish grow bigger?


What makes a goldfish grow in a bowl?

It doesn't !

What should you feed to your goldfish to make him grow big faster?

trout pellets, they make the goldfish grow larger, faster, just a couple a day

How big should a goldfish get?

It depends on how big your tank is.The bigger the fishtank, the bigger the fish will grow.Not only does it matter how big your tank/pond is but it also depends greatly on what the fish is fed, the variety of the fish, and the fishes genetics. Many goldfish can grow over a foot long- here is a list of standard sizes to expect a goldfish to grow:pond goldfish like comets, shubunkins, and wakins can grow well over 12inchesfancier varieties like ranchus,lionhead,and orandas can grow over 10 inchesother fancy varieties like ryukins,black moors, fantails, etc. can grow over 6-7 inchesThe largest goldfish recorded is over 16 inchesBy feeding your goldfish a varied diet, giving them plenty of room to grow, and by buying goldfish from only a healthy stock you can ensure that your goldfish will grow to a healthy and favorable size.Most goldfish will make around a 10 inch fish if it is reasonably housed and looked after. if the envorment allow it they only grow as big there envorment alows Goldfish may grow to a maximum length of 23 inches (59 cm) and a maximum weight of 9.9 pounds (4.5 kg), although this is rare; most individual goldfish grow to under half this size. In optimal conditions, goldfish may live more than 40 years[2]; however, most household goldfish generally only live six to eight years.Common Goldfish can reach a size over a foot, depending on the size of the aquarium.

Do goldfish grow bigger in bigger tanks?

Goldfish have the potential to grow very large if given the necessary amount of space from the very beginning. This means that if you put one goldfish in the recommended 20 gallons on it's own, it could potentially grow quite large.