

When you get bird flu shots where does it go on your body?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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There are no bird flu shots available yet. There have been vaccines produced but they are being stockpiled by the World Health Organization in case a pandemic ever does get started. The vaccine would be injected like regular flu shots into a larger muscle. Typically on adults that is the upper arm (deltoid) muscle. In children it is usually given in the thigh muscle. Intramuscular injections can also be given in the muscles of the buttocks.

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Q: When you get bird flu shots where does it go on your body?
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Why bird flu cannot be easily spred to humans?

You pick up bird flu from bird faeces, so it is unlikely to go from person to person.

Where do I go to get a flu shot?

Drugstores such as Walgreens offer cheap flu shots. Be aware that there are many types of influenza and no vaccine has been proven to be effective against them all.

Do the ingredients in a flu shot leave your body after time?

Sadly no, Whats in all vaccinations even flu shots is very frightening and shocking. Flu shots are not meant to help your immunity system but rather to make you more sick and to keep you striving for more medicine which doctors want. Doctors, all they want is your money and nothing more, nothing less. They put animal phecies and other junk in flu shots to merely make the sickness you have even worse. My advice, go to a natural medicines store and get MMS, and goldenseal and start eating vegetables and fruits with dark colors.

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Egg prices are high now because of the impact of bird flu caused by Avian Influenza. Millions of birds have had to be culled across many states in the U.S. Go to my YT channel @askdrshe to view videos on “Economic Impact of Bird Flu on Egg Prices” and Bird Flu 101

How many shots do you get at a seventh grade physical?

The number of shots students get during a seventh grade physical exam can vary. It usually includes required vaccinations such as Tdap, HPV, meningococcal, and annual flu shots. Your child's healthcare provider or school nurse can provide a specific list for your area.

Can you get a flu shot while taking methadone?

I am not a physician, but I can say that methadone and the flu shot affect entirely different bodily systems, so that it is unlikely that there would be any adverse interaction. However, if you have concern, you must mention this at the time you go for a flu shot. If there is a problem, the person giving the shots will be able to tell you.

Can Swine Flu mix with another virus?

Yes. In fact the way the H1N1 pandemic swine flu was formed by the mixing of a human flu virus, a bird flu virus and a swine flu virus in a pig. When two similar viruses that are infecting the same cell exchange genetic material this is known as reassortment. They go on to form a new virus.

Where are the locations for H1N1 shots for saint john nb and what are the designated dates for these shots? haven't announced clinics for non specific targeted groups. If you fall into the categories listed on the clinic sheet you can go get in line!

Do all shots go in your arm?

NO. Some shots go on your butt to enduce pain. Shots can go many places but the most common place is your arm.

Is dental work safe when you have the flu?

No. This can just simply be you flu kicking in. Your body is infected with a virus days before you see and feel the affects. It is just coincidence that it was the day after you went to the dentist.

What kind of shots you need to go to Costa Rica?

---- no shots are required to go to costa rica.

How does the flu affect the body?

IT doesnt attract id anyone has a flu wen they cougth sneeze the bacteria go into the air and you breth in the bacteria which then reacts wiv youre body or makes you all ; blood exchange <making blood brothers / sisters > / saliva <kissing wiv tounges . or drinking from the same cupp> are also ways to pass on the flu