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If it's a C-section, a caesarian, they'll cut through your belly to deliver the baby.

Sometimes, a woman having a vaginal delivery is just a bit too narrow, or the baby just a bit too big, and then they may cut the vagina.

It is called an Episiotomy, and it's not needed for all women to have one. Some women prefer to tear than to have this surgical procedure done. You should ask your health care provider if they routinely do episiotomies.

please see this page.

and to learn about an perinal massage as an avoidance technique. please see this page as well.

(you may have to cut and paste the links).

Be sure to write out a birth plan and discuss it with your health care provider PRIOR to the 36 week appt. so you and your provider are on the same page, as to what your desires are. This gives them enough time to put the plan in your chart, and to discuss with other providers in the practice (in the event you get the provider on call and not your usual care provider) and the nurses at your birth center or hospital of choice.

The Birth Book by Dr. William Sears is a great resource!! I bet you can find it at your local library!

Best of Luck

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Q: When you have a baby they have to cut your vagina?
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A baby comes out of the vagina.

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bye if it has a vagina or a dick

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Why is an episiotomy performed?

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