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I have lost 6lb max and have been bulimic for 5 years. It's not a method to 'loose weight', it is something that happens aseemingly invuluntarily.

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Q: When you have bulimia how fast do you lose weight just curious and do you even lose weight again im just curious?
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What is anorexia and bulimia?

Both bulimia and anorexia are eating disorders. Bulimia is characterized by excessive over-eating (called bingeing), followed by forcefully throwing up or using harsh laxatives (called purging) to rid the body of the food as quickly as possible. Anorexia is where a person severly limits the amount of calories that they consume in a day and exercise excessively to burn off even more calories.

How can you get anorexia and bulimia?

Well anorexia and bulimia aren't contagious, their eating disorders that you get when you think your fat (Even if your not) for anorexia you limit your portions down to almost nothing and lose a lot of weight, for bulimia you do eat food but you vomit it back up shortly after eating it. Both are extremely unhealthy and if you think you have it contact a friend or parent or doctor and get help.

Which is not a health risk for people with bulimia?

Bulimics do not run any health risks by gaining weight. An eating disorder called bulimia is characterised by episodes of binge eating followed by repressive actions such purging, overdoing it physically, or fasting. Due to their purging habits, bulimics may be at a healthy weight or even be underweight. Although they don't gain weight, those who have bulimia still run the danger of developing major health problems like electrolyte imbalance, irregular heartbeat, and tooth and gum damage from provoking vomiting.

What is the best way to explain bulimia to a 10 year old?


Dont lose weight then you have to find it again?

This means; don't loose weight and think you're done. Keep losing weight even is you have already lost some and don't gain weight again. (I think, good question)

How do you prevent hair loss due to bulimia?

Bulimia can cause the body to become very mal-nurished. As a result of a lack of nutrients, hair can become brittle, weak, likely to break, change color, turn more dull, and even fall out. Most eating disorders affect women, so it would most likely be a female who suffers hair loss due to bulimia.

Why do dancers become anorexic?

Dancers are pressured to maintain a certain weight and look, usually very thin (especially among ballet dancers). This unhealthy focus on weight and dieting leads to anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders. Sometimes these disorders are even encouraged by fellow dancers or trainers.

Did Jackie Kennedy have bulimia?

I have a bok written by her maid/cook and she says Jackie liked to eat and she ate little but well. She loved fruits,vegetables,lamb,ice cream... I donpt think she had bulimia. She was just natrually thin all her life even as a little girl her pictures show her as a thin kid.

Can bulimia nervosa be dangerous?

The bingeing and purging activity associated with this disorder can cause severe damage, even death

Compare and contrast anorexia vs bulimia?

Both anorexia and bulimia are dangerous eating disorders that can be potentially fatal. Each had many risks, side effects, and consequences. Both EDs are found primarily in girls between the ages of 12 and 28 in middle- to upper-class families. Both are eating disorders related to the desparate desire to lose weight. Bulimia is far more common than anorexia is. Bulimics will binge and the purge to lose weight, while anorexics will mainly tightly restrict their calorie intake and then exercsie excessively to burn off even more calories. Anorexia has a higher fatality rate from the actual disorder, while bulimia has a higher suicide rate (as it is far less effective) and a higher fatality due to complications and medical side effects.

Can bulimia make you stop having periods?

If you are losing weight due to bulimeia, then yes. Rapid or sudden weight loss can cause your body to stop producing proper amounts of hormones and this chnage or stop you from getting your epriod altogether. Also, if you aren't getting enough nutirents (or are throwing it all back up), then your body might not be able to produce what is nessesecary to have your period.

What does bulimia cause?

There is really no single cause. It may be because of stress, a traumatic experience, even our culture with our stick-thin models. If you are bulimic, you should see a therapist. They'll help you deal with it. If one of your friends is, don't pressure them to eat and not throw up. Just be their for them.