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== == I don't understand your question. Do you mean that the Health Plan being spoken of, isn't the best value around?

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Q: When you hear bad health coverage buy what does it mean?
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Physical Injuries are best covered under your medical or health insurance plan. The coverage is usually much broader.

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Depends on the Insurance Company and how bad the depression is. Is it one time situational - like a divorce or death, medications? Hospitalizations?

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By 'cuming' I take it you mean ejaculating through masturbation. In what sense do you mean bad? Morally wrong or bad for your health or bad for your mind? I think it is not bad for your health or morally wrong but it can be bad for your mind depending on your fantasies at the time. If you think of harming someone and that turns you on then you are sick and have a condition that is hard to cure. If you think of something delightfully sexy that is normal and harmless. Enjoy

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Minority health does not mean poor health, although the exact meaning would depend upon context; chances are it refers to the prevalent level of health of some minority group, which might be either good health or bad health, depending upon which minority group we are considering.

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