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(My guess is that) When you're running your muscles have to work harder, so the muscles in your heart start to work faster & pumping more blood. But you're breathing isn't exactly a muscle so you start to breathe harder trying to catch up with the rest of your body.

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Q: When you start running or exercising what happens to your breathing?
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Persons with breathing problems who want to start exercising should choose a low aerobic exercise. People with breathing problems also should consult their doctor before starting a workout program.

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both you can start with breathing out or by breathing in

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A person with breathing problems who wants to start exercising should consult their physician before embarking on any change in lifestyle. Where medical issues exists, a person should always seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner who will suggest an exercise program that would be suitable for them.

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You will probably become very sore due to over estimating what your body can handle. Just take it slow and slowly build the intensity/duration

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It is metabolized by the liver to be converted to simple sugars and used by the cells for energy.

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Most People Start Panting And Start To Breath Heaver Than Normal.Then It Starts To Go Back To Normal.

How do you speed your heart rate up?

I'm sure you know this, but it's because you are running, or exercising, your heart starts beating faster, and then your veins start pumping

At what age should you start exercising?

You're never too young to start exercising, it also depends at what you define as exercise.

How do you get started exercising?

start jogging or take a morning walk you can also start exercising by dancing in the morning before eating

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What do you do if you are overweight?

Start dieting and exercising.