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You are scaring it. The hamster cannot know your intention, it is simply responding to being touched by a much larger creature.

Hamsters should be gently handled when young. This will accustom them to human contact. If you leave it too long they may never lose that wariness or the instinct to defend itself against you.

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Sqeeze her neck till her eyeballs pop out every time she tries. A week or so of that should do the trick. You're welcome.

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Q: When you try to pick up your hamster she is always trying to bite you?
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Everytime you try and pick up your hamster he tries to bite you?

Obviously, your hamster is still scared of you. Try petting it, fedding it, anything that will make a hamster get to know you better.

What should you do if you get a bite by a dwarf hamster?

Fist things fist. Wash the bite with soap and water. The next time you try to pick up your dwarf hamster wear a thick glove with your sent. Do this everyday for 5 minutes and eventually he will get used to you.

What is the most trustworthy hamster for example one you can pick up and won't bite and will climb to your shoulder?

Uhm.... A fake one! :)

How do you teach a hamster not to bite?

It's not really that you teach it not to bite as much as it's that YOU do things to not startle it and calm it before you try to pet it or pick it up. For example, before I try to pick up any of my rodents, I talk to them and slowly put my hand in, let them sniff it then take one out...I rarely get bitten anymore. They will also try to bite if they want put back, so if you're holding it and it starts trying to bite, put it back so it will learn you're not going to hurt it!

Which hamster is least likely to bite?

I have a Dwarf hamster It is incredibly people tolerent! Never been bitten or squeecked at THEY ARE ROUDY WHEN YOU PICK THEM UP AT THE PET STORE!!! but let it aljust and itll love you soo

Do you have to pick up hamster?

You should pick up your hamster. Picking up your hamster lets it get used to you, the more you pick it up and play with it the more friendler it becomes.

Should you wear gloves when handling a brand new hamster?

Yes, you should use gloves because if a hamster is newborn, it may bite. Using a glove is the best way.

Why when you try to pick up your hamster he bite he thinks it food you cant pick it up you try to put food on your hand so he can clime to your hand is their another way?

yes. you could wait until he is in his little house or "hiding place" and take the whole thing out of the cage. once he is in your hand he will not bite.

How do you stop your hamster biting you?

To get your hamster to stop biting you try wash your hand with soap and water to get the smell of food off your hands then rub your hands in its bedding that it has in his/her cage and slowly reach towards your hamster if it looks like it wants to bite you pull away SLOWLY!!!! not fast it will scare it if that doesn't work, talk to it softly and hand feed it treats . after you do these your hamster should not bite you anymoreFirst always wash your hands so it won`t smell food on you.Then hold it as much as you can,the more you hold it the less it will bite.

Which hamster should you pick out of a litter?

well when picking a hamster look for the more well boded hamster

can i pick up my hamster?


How a hamster reacts when it's mad?

They avoid you [whatever they are mad at] as much as possible, they'll bite when you put your finger even close to them and they'll squeak loudly when you try to pick them up.