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just go over the text with mouse

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Q: When you want a narrator to read the text on the computer where should i go?
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magnify glass
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What if a person cant read and wants to use the computer?

Microsoft has a unique tool on their operating systems called "narrator." This tool allows the user to highlight text to be read to them so that they don't have to read it themselves. This utility requires the use of speakers.

How do you read text messages over the computer?

'''''You can't'''''

Can a notebook be used to read books?

Yes it is possible to get a Notebook Computer to 'read' text to you.

What site should you go to text the computer and have the computer text you back for fun?


How can a computer read?

A computer can read text that is formatted as binary data, and some text applications can scan in documents, with varying degrees of accuracy. (see the related link for more info)

What is narrative text?

narrative text is text that is written in the form of a narrator

How do you read text messages for free from a computer?

Have messages sent to your email rather than the phone.

How you change the text size on your computer?

well, it depends what you mean. if you're on word publisher and so on, you go to the size box and change the size of the text. and i have heard of a narrator on windows which whatever you hover on it says. and there is a magnifying glass on a computer program somewhere

When you first approach in a text book you should?

you should read a bit then put your head down then read a bit more get it got it good

How do you gat your computer too raed a book to you?

Hi yes, u usually have to buy a system to read books to u on your computer. I had the same prob. and a friend told me about itunes. every book i want the computer to read to me is only $2.50 not bad at all. Hope this helps. --- There are 2 main ways 1 - You will have to scan in to the computer using an Optical Code Reader (OCR) this will converts the text from hard copy to text. Its long and labour intensive but does work you the use a text to speech software which will tread back the text over your sound system 2. you download text version of books and use text to speech to again read back there are many sites that have basic text to speech software for free. (

What is the steps that you should follow when taking a reading test?

Read quickly if the text is expository; read carefully if it is a narrative.

Is a cookie a computer program?

No, a cookie is a text file. A cookie can be read as a resource by a program but, on its own, it cannot execute.