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Answer AIslam religion, Muslims religion, was born by the God revelation of Quran to prophet Muhammad while he was meditating in Mecca (Makkah) in the currently Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However, Islam is an Arabic word that means submission to God, the one and only one God. Accordingly Islam in its universal sense is born by start of human kind. Answer BFirstly my religion(I'm Muslim) is called Islam. In Islam Muslims believe that there is one god and he owns everything from the tiniest atom to the biggest thing. Everything. So Allah (our god) made the first human Adam and Hawaa (Eve) who were Muslims and they lived in heaven but they disobeyed Allah so they were sent down to live on earth, they then started the human generation and that is what Muslims believe

Assalmwaalykum warrahmattulih WA barakatuh.

May Allah bless you.

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It is not true that Prophet Mohammed founded any religion. He restored the religion of Prophet Abraham(Prophet Ibrahim). The Arabs at that time had forgotten the belief of Prophet Abraham and believed many gods. After Prophet Mohammed preached their ancient faith the Arabs accepted the faith of their forefathers and rose up with vigour. Prophet Mohammed was the last prophet.

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Muslims are followers of Islam religion. Refer to question below.

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Islam is the religion. Muslims are the people to practice/follow the religion of Islam.

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No they are not. There are many religions, so you can certainly assume that a baby is, or will be, the religion that their family practices.

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They learn their religion from the Qur'an.