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Anywhere on the neck. (Chulin 1:4; Shulchan Aruch YD 20) On a giraffe this is easy to find; on a sparrow it's very difficult.

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Q: Where are Kosher animals slaughtered?
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When are Kosher animals slaughtered?

Kosher slaughter can take place any time except for during Shabbat and certain holidays.

How can carnivorous chickens be kosher?

They can eat a kosher diet, and be slaughtered the kosher way.

Which one can be kosher?

That which is slaughtered and/or prepared according to kosher law.

Does kosher food also consider treatment of animals before slaughter and Do they use antibiotics hormones etc the same way as non-kosher foods?

Yes. There are many laws. some examples are: hormones are forbidden, animals cannot be slaughtered on the same day as their offspring (so an animal would never witness its mother being slaughtered, animals cannot be fed meat, etc.

Is cow meat unclean to jews?

No, cows are a kosher species. They have to be slaughtered in a kosher manner.

Is patrijs kosher?

Partridge is a kosher bird but has to be slaughtered and prepared following the laws of kashrut.

What animals that have horns are kosher?

Any animal that has split (cloven) hooves and chews their cud may be slaughtered and processed in accordance with kosher requirements. Examples of kosher animals that have horns are cows, bison, sheep, and goats.However, the following from is interesting:"Finally, the Mishna (Niddah 51b), at least according to Rashi's understanding, states that horns alone are enough to declare an animal kosher, since all horned animals are kosher"

Is kosher beef more tender than non-kosher beef?

No, there is no difference in tenderness between kosher and non-kosher beef. The animals are raised in the exact same way with the only difference being the way in which they are slaughtered and that as part of the kashering process, kosher beef is salted to draw out excess blood.

Can Jews eat venison?

Deer are a kosher species. If the animal is slaughtered and cooked in a kosher manner, then its meat (the venison) is kosher.

What Two meats could the Jewish eat?

Kosher beef Kosher venison Beef, deer, goat, sheep, bison, are all kosher animals. When slaughtered, inspected, butchered, and koshered according to Jewish law, certtain specified parts of them may be eaten.

How is chicken kosher?

Chicken is a kosher species, but it needs to be slaughtered and prepared according to halakha (Torah law).

Are raindeer kosher?

Yes, if it is slaughtered according to halakha (Torah law).