

Where are Tasmanian devils endangered?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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Tasmanian devils are found only in the wild in Tasmania, Australia's southern island state, but they are listed as endangered both domestically and internationally.

In Tasmania, they are "endangered" under the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995.

Internationally, they are listed as "endangered" on the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

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When were the Tasmanian Devils added to the endangered species list?

Tasmanian devils were officially added to the endangered species list in 2008.

Are Tasmanian devils vulnerable?

Tasmanian devils have been classified as endangered since 2008.

Are there any female Tasmanian Devils?

Of course. If there were no female Tasmanian devils, they could not reproduce. Tasmanian devils may be endangered, but they are also a viable species.

What category is the Tasmanian Devil in?

It is an Australian marsupial, of the group of carnivorous marsupials knowns as dasyurids. Tasmanian Devils were listed as "endangered" in May 2008.

Are Tasmanian devils placental?

No. Tasmanian devils are marsupials.

Where did the Tasmanian Devils live before they were classified endangered?

From the time of European settlement up to the present, Tasmanian devils have only ever been known on the island of Tasmania? this includes before they were placed on e endangered species list. Fossil evidence indicates that the Tasmanian devil once lived on the mainland as well. These mainland species were smaller than their Tasmanian counterparts.

Do Tasmanian devils Live in packs?

No. Tasmanian devils tend to be solitary animals.

Do Tasmanian devils breed?

Of course Tasmanian devils breed. If they didn't, there would be no Tasmanian devils left today. Tasmanian devils are mammals, which are vertebrates. All vertebrates breed.

How many Tasmanian devils were there in 2010?

There are no current figures for Tasmanian devil numbers. The most recent figures are from 2009, the year that the Tasmanian devil was listed as an "endangered" species. Figures from late 2009 indicate that, in recent decades, the Tasmanian Devil's population has dropped by 70% to an estimated 45,000 - 50,000 Tasmanian Devils in the wild.

Are Tasmanian devils amphibians or marsupials?

Tasmanian devils are marsupials of Australia.

Why do Tasmanian devils attack humans?

Tasmanian devils do not attack humans.

Can Tasmanian devils get sick?

Tasmanian devils can certainly get sick. Tasmanian Devils are threatened by a fatal form of cancer called Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) which is transmitted between Tasmanian devils by biting.