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In the cerebellum!

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Q: Where are long term memories stored?
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Work with brain stimulation truth serums and hypnosis suggests that long-term memories are?

stored in the Hippocampus.

Where does learning occur in the brain?

Learning occurs in the cerebrum of the brain. Through a network of neurons, sensory information is transmitted by synapses along the neural pathway and stored temporarily in short-term memory, then neural pathways carry these memories to the structural core, where they are stored in long-term memories.

The process by which the hippocampus encodes memories and prepares them for long-term storage is called?

long-term potentiation.

8 The term racial unconscious means that?

B.======================================================Allow me to add:each species and culture shares ancient memories, stored in the unconcious part of the mind.

Why are some people's long term memory better than short term memories?

Long term and short term memories are stored in different sections of the brain. Damage to one section by trauma or disease does not necessarily affect the other parts. The writer knows of a woman who had surgery for a cerebral aneurysm some years ago. She now has practically no short-term memory. She can recall things that happened years ago, but five minutes later she will not remember talking about it. However, if we talk about something long enough it will get into long-term and she will then be able to remember it. Needless to say, this is a really debilitating condition.

What type of memories are stored in the cerebellum?

some kind of associative memories

Most memories are stored in the?


Are memories stored in your spinal lobe?

no.memories are stored in your temporal lobes.

What is stored in the brain?

Memory is stored in the brain. Some things like an odd answer to a question in maths are stored in short term memory and others like your birthday are stored in long term memory.

What must your nerve cells undergo to form memories?

Long-term potentation

Where are memories stored in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Typically, memories are stored in Dumbledore's pensieve (when not in their original owner's heads). But specifically in Deathly Hallows, Snape's memories are stored (temporarily) in a vial that Hermione conjured. They are later dumped into the aforementioned pensieve.

When you are forming memories the neurons and the connections between them strengthen?

short-term memory-apex long-term potentiation.