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they are found anywhere

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6mo ago

Ofrendas are typically found in Mexico and other Latin American countries during the celebration of Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). They are altars or offerings dedicated to deceased loved ones. Ofrendas are meant to honor and remember the spirits of the departed and to provide them with their favorite foods, drinks, and other items they enjoyed in life.

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Q: Where are ofrendas found and who are they intended for?
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What four elements are represented on the ofrendas?

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Where do people build there ofrendas?

People usually build their ofrendas in their homes. They would build shrines and alters to pray and worship their dead siblings and family members.The ofrenda is often built on a table covered with a fine table cloth.

What are the altars called that are decorated in homes for the day of the dead?

They are called "ofrendas" (Spanish for offerings).

Where do they put gifts in Mexico's Day of the dead?

On the altars or "ofrendas" specifically made for such occasion.

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