

Where are somatic cell found?

Updated: 11/24/2022
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14y ago

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any cell other that a germ cell, in a plant or animal

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Q: Where are somatic cell found?
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How many chromosomes are found in a somatic cell of an offspring?

In humans, the somatic cells of an offspring have 46 chromosomes.

Where are somatic cells found in organisms?

Somatic cells are any of the cells that are found in plants or animals other than the reproductive cell or gamete cell. In mammals the somatic cells are found in the skin, bones, blood, connective tissue. In plants they are found in stems, leaves, roots, branches.

What is every cell found in the mammal body?

A somatic cell, except for gametes, used in reproduction.

What cell type is diploid sex cell or ovum or gamete or somatic cell?

The only option in that list that can be diploid is the somatic cell.

How do chromosomes transmit from cell to cell in the somatic cell?

A somatic cell is a cell that reproduces by mitosis. Therefore, a somatic cell transfers its information (in the chromosomes) by producing two daughter cells.

What is somatic cell nuclear transfer?

Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a laboratory technique where the nucleus of a somatic cell (e.g., skin cell) is transferred into an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed. This process creates a cloned embryo that can develop into an organism genetically identical to the somatic cell donor.

Is a liver cell a somatic cell?

Yes, a liver cell is a type of somatic cell. Somatic cells are any cell in the body that is not a sperm or egg cell. Liver cells are an example of somatic cells because they make up the majority of the cells in the liver and are responsible for the organ's function.

Explain the difference in the number of chromosomes between a frog somatic cell and a frog egg cell?

A somatic cell is any body cell that is a non-sex cell and an egg cell is the female reproductive cell; the female gamete

What kind of cell cell is a somatic cell?

A somatic cell is part of the nervous system. (somatic also means body). This cell is a multicellular organsim.A somatic cell is also generally taken to mean any cell forming the body of an organism such as, internal organs skin, bones, blood and connective tissue are all made up of somatic cells.

Body cells can be called?

Somatic cell.

What is a somatic cell donor?

A somatic cell donor clones things. So a cloner.

What is the final result in 1n somatic cell?

Genetically identical 1n somatic cells are the final result of the mitosis of a 1n somatic cell. Somatic comes from the Greek word soma, meaning body.