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the best place to trick or treat is in la orange cpunty because threr is a lot of people and that means more candy.if u don't live near and don't want to drive that far the just look around ur city and go to ur cities Halloween events.this is just my take

ask Quint Balls

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Q: Where are some good places to go trick or treating in California?
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Where is a good place to find trick or treating bags?

Trick or treat bags are available at many places. Dollar stores will be the cheapest to buy. There are many businesses that will also give them away free to advertise as well.

What is something that you would get on your trick or treating bag that starts with the letter G?

· Goo Goo Clusters · Good & Plenty

Where is a good place to go trick or treating in Jacksonville NC?

Branchwood Subdivision: lots of houses for the amount of walking.

How old do you have to be to stop trick or treating in Delaware Ohio?

I don't think there is a set age, I've seen fully-grown adults out trick-or-treating. But after a certain time, the owners of the houses might not give you candy. Maybe if you have a really good costume...?

Why should an 9 year old girl go trick or treating?

if she had someone teach her kung fu she will be good enough to go

What do you carry when you go trick or treating?

The basics are something for light and something to carry your candy in. A flashlight and a pillow case are always a good start.

What rhymes with trick or treating?

Smell my feet Give me something good to eat > < you've never heard that one before???

What are some safe places to trick or treat?

The safest place to trick or treat is among people you know. A good idea is to organize a "trunk or treat", with a number of families participating. You get a lot of families together in a parking lot and decorate each trunk--the kids go to each car and trick or treat that way. Trick or treating can be very safe in your own neighborhood, as long as you accompany your child. Another idea is to get a few parents and kids together so you can trick or treat as one group.

How do you get your mom to let you have a friend to go trick or treating?

be good and don't missbehave and if they say no just keep goin on about it . but don't make them mad by doin it

Where is the best place to go for groups in Brooklyn?

trick question. there are no good places to in New York.

Where are the best Charlotte NC neighborhoods for trick or treating?

In in my opinion,around the freedom park area. Its safe and they usually give away a good amount of candy. :)

When your boyfriend wont go on vacation because he wants to take kids trick or treating?

Sounds like a good dad that lots of ladies would like to have.