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Light receptors are located in retina of eye ball. They are rods and cones. Rods are for night vision and cones for color vision. Retina is innermost layer in an eye in posterior compartment. Inside it, is vitreous gel. It is a part of brain and gets separate blood supply from branch of internal carotid artery. They are present in large number in fovea centralis. They are absent, where the optic nerve leaves the eye ball. That creates the 'blind spot' in visual area.

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Q: Where are the light receptors located in the eye?
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What part of the eye contain the receptors?

The retina is the part of the eye that contains light receptors.

Do auditory receptors detect light?

No, auditory receptors do not detect light. Auditory receptors are sensory cells that respond to sound waves, which are pressure waves with frequencies between 16 hertz and 20,000 hertz. Light, on the other hand, is an electromagnetic wave with frequencies ranging from about 400 terahertz to 790 terahertz. Auditory receptors are located in the inner ear, in the basilar membrane of the organ of Corti, while light receptors are located in the retina of the eye. Therefore, auditory receptors and light receptors are different types of sensory cells that detect different types of stimuli.

An organ that contains light receptors?

Light receptors called rods and cones are found in the retina of the eye. Rods are resposible for discerning light as blackand white and the cones colour.

What are the receptors in the eye?

You have rod cells and cone cells as receptors in your eye. Rods are for intensity of the light. Cone cells are for color vision.

What are light receptors?

Light receptors are found in the eye. There are two types of receptors; rods and cones. Rods produce the black and white pigments and the Cones produce the color pigments.

Where are 70 percent of the body's sense receptors located?

the eye

Where are the sensory cells located for sight?

receptors in the retina(inside back) of the eye

What are the five general areas of sensation?

General sensory receptors such as light touch and temperature receptors are located over the entire surface of the body. There are no specific areas where these receptors are located.

What is the specific job of a rod in your eye?

Rods are light-sensitive receptors in the retina of vertebrates.

What organs are regarded as photoreceptors?

The eye ( retina) or any other receptors that respond to light.

What does the cone in the eye do?

The cones in your eye are responsible for helping you to see color. They are in the retina and operate only in light. The rods are the other receptors.

What does the cone do in the eye?

The cones in your eye are responsible for helping you to see color. They are in the retina and operate only in light. The rods are the other receptors.