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This is an impossible question to answer as there are literally thousands of fragments of the gospels scattered about across the world in various museums and libraries.

One of the oldest of the fragments is that which was found in Egypt hiding inside the cover of an 18th Century book. The Codex Sinaiticus is handwritten in Greek on animal skin and contains much of the New Testament. Scholars believe it dates from 350AD or earlier. It has now been split up into further parts for study, some of which remained in St Catherine's Monastery in Egypt, others in the British Library in London and other places too. However most of the earlier fragments of the gospels are much smaller - some only a few words in length. Nevertheless, by piecing these together its possible to compare the ealriest fragments with, say, the Codex Sinaiticus and later versions to enable any differences to come to light. Remarkably, even considering the diverse methods, locations and hands which hand coped these documents across the Roman Empire over centuries, there is outstanding agreement between them.

However, there are small fragments of new Testament books that are even older than the Codex Sinaiticus. One of the most famous is the fragment of a papyrus codex containing John 18:31-33 and 37-38, called the Rylands Papyrus. This papyrus was found in Egypt, and has been dated at about 125 A.D. It currently resides at the John Rylands Library in Manchester, England.

The Magdalen Papyrus, an even older fragment, are tiny scraps of papyrus from Matthew's Gospel which had been housed at the library of Magdalen College Oxford, England for more than 90 years, the gift of a British chaplain, Rev. Charles Huleatt, who bought them at an antiquities market in Luxor, Egypt. Using sophisticated modern methods of analysis these fragments have been dated to sometime between 30 and 70 A.D, with a likelihood of a date around 55-60AD suggesting that, if Matthew's gospel was written after Mark's gospel (a fact established by most Bible scholars), then these documents must have been already in circulation not long after the events they described - perhaps just 20 years or less. In three places on the Magdalen Papyrus, the name of Jesus is written as "KS", an abbreviation of the Greek word Kyrios, or Lord.

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Q: Where are the oldest copies of the New Testament Gospels kept?
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