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Q: Where are the parts in the British empire on a map?
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What was the British empire about?

The British empire is the parts of the world that queen Victoria concurred

When did china join the British empire?

China never joined the British Empire. However, two small parts of China were part of the British Empire. Weihaiwei-1898-1930 Hong Kong-1841-1997

How is the British commonwealth linked to the British empire?

The Commonwealth of Nations are all former colonies administrated/ruled by the United Kingdom. The British Empire 'evolved' into the Commonwealth of Nations after many of them gained independence.

How many colonists left the states for other parts of the British empire after the revolution?

60,000 to 70,000

What cultural impact did the british empire have in may parts of the world?

they turned the people they conquered into christians

In which country was the first Christmas stamp released?

Canada. They issued the map stamp showing the British Empire marked XMAS 1898.

What countries did the British claim?

See the link below for a map of the world with all claims made by the British Empire (pink areas). Names underlined in red indicate that this area is still under British control.

Who is queen of the British Empire?

The British Empire does not exist anymore.

Map of Greek Empire?

There never was a "Greek empire".

How much of the world did the british empire control?

The British Empire (map) was the largest empire ever, consisting of over 25% of the world's population and area. It included India, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Rhodesia, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, several islands in the West Indies and various colonies on the African coast.

Where did the british empire control an entire continent?

north America The British Empire controlled an entire continent in Australia. The British Empire was the largest empire in history.

How did the British empire lose land?

Why did The British Empire lose their land?