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See the link below for a map of the world with all claims made by the British Empire (pink areas). Names underlined in red indicate that this area is still under British control.

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Q: What countries did the British claim?
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What continents had no countries controlled by the UK in 1920?

Antarctica. There was a reason for the claim that "the Sun never sets on the British Empire."

What warning does Jefferson claim were made to british brethren?

The warning that Jefferson claims were made to the British brethren were death threats if their government continued colonizing certain countries.

What is Spain's official stance on the Falkland Islands?

Spain respects the British claim to the islands. It is Argentina which contests the British claim.

Can you still claim british benefits if you live in Tunisia?

If you are a British citizen

What were the British countries?

British countries ARE: England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

How much of Antarctica does Britain own?

None. No nation owns any part of Antarctica. Britain and other countries claim territories on the continent, and several other claims overlap the British claim. The British claim reaches between 20°W and 80°W. It is overlapped by claims by Chile and Argentina. All claims are pie-piece-shaped and extend south to the South Pole or 90°S.

What was John Cabot's results?

British Claim to North America and a son who looked for the NWP.

Which countries have not fought the British?

There were twenty-two countries that never fought the British. Some of the names of the countries that did not fight the British are Honduras, Iran, Iraq, and Ireland.

What are the name of the British countries?

UK(United Kingdom), Great Britain, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are the name of the British countries. They're also British countries as well because they're not just the name of the British countries. They are British countries but they speak English like people in the United States. Note: The United States is not a British country.

Which countries were ruled by the British empire?

the india british nation has over power several countries,many countries are britished ruled imparticular,and british emprecountry,australia.ETC

What day starts the week in the British countries?

Sunday is the first day of the week in British countries.