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This will depend upon the route of administration for the medication. For an intravenous (IV) shot, the easiest place is the jugular vein in the neck. For a subcutaneous shot, veterinarians typically use the hypodermis over the intrascapular space (between the shoulder blades). Intramuscular shots tend to be given into the hamstring group (semitendinous, semimembranosus and biceps femoris muscles), although the dorsal gluteal muscles or lumbar muscles can also be used.

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Q: Where best place to give a shot to a dog?
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What is the best way to give a diabetic dog a shot?

give dog a chill pill then he will be calmed down and then you can take the shot

Is their a shot to give a dog when their hyper?

When a dog is hyper, there is really no shot you could give them. Just calm them down with a treat or some water. Let them sleep- that's the best thing to do! Don't hurt it with a shot.

Is there a shot for dogs to stop pregnancy?

No, there is no shot you can give a dog to abort their pregnancy.

Who shot Candies dog in of Mice and Men?

Carlson shot Candy's dog in "Of Mice and Men" because it was old and suffering. Candy allowed him to do it because he knew it was the best thing for the dog. This event foreshadows the mercy killing of Lennie that takes place later in the story.

How do you give pen-aqueous shot?

Penicillin shots are given IM. Intro Muscularly So you must be familiar with your dogs anatomy. The hind quarter is the best place to do an IM shot on a dog. If you've never done it before have a vet or tech teach you how or you can do a lot more harm to your dog than good.

What to give a dog after a 7 in 1 shot?

rest :)

Do you have to give the 1 year rabies shot to dog before the three year shot?

yes but if you have a small dog like a chihuahua you give them one eveyother year. never ever give a dog the full amount that people say. they will get a reaction and die.

Is there a shot for dogs to give birth easier?

It is called oxytocin. The vet can give it to your dog.

Who can give your dog the sleeping killing shot?

It is normally administered by your veterinarian.

Can dogs take Lexapro?

u can give it a shot!lucky dog :)

What reasons does Carlson's give for Candy's dog shot?

He tells him the dog is old and its suffering. He also claims that the dog smells.

What is the best thing you could give a dog?

The big thing you can give a dog is the biggest bone ever. The best thing you could give a dog is your undying devotion.