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Q: Where can I buy Homeowners coverage after being turned down by two Insurance Companys?
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Can you get turned down from Homeowners insurance if you have bad credit rating or forclousere?

Yes, many insurance companies do require you qualify credit wise to be eligible for coverage.

Is a civil suit turned over to a homeowners insurance company for investigation considered a lien?

No. but it could lead to a lien being filed later if you are found liable and you don't have coverage under your home insurance policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover water damage when water main was not turned off when trying to fix a leaky shower faucet?

If you elected "Accidental Water Discharge" coverage when you purchased your policy then yes, you should have coverage up to the specified limits for this type of loss.

How to get malpractice insurance if you have been turned down before?

There are many companies out there that sell Malpractice coverage. You just have to check with another insurance company.

How could the subject of cobra medical coverage be turned into a great question for this job?

Cobra medical coverage is very important currently due to the large numbers of people that are unemployed and have no active source of medical insurance.

What are the possible benefits of government run health insurance?

Government run insurance would mean that everybody would have insurance coverage. It would be affordable for the people who do not have the means to carry health insurance. It also would mean that no American can ever be turned away for medical treatment, because they do not have insurance.

What happens to your car insurance when you sell your car?

When you plan to sell your car you should notify your insurance company of the pending sale. It will provide you with instructions on how to transfer title properly, surrender the plates and cancel the insurance if you aren't transferring the coverage to a new car. Generally, the insurance company won't cancel the insurance until the plates are turned in or transferred to another vehicle through the RMV. That means the company will continue to bill you until the transaction is properly completed.If the insurance was paid for and the policy is cancelled during the coverage year the company will issue a refund based on their own calculations.

Can an insurance company cancel your homeowners insurance because you refuse to have your car insured with them?

No. One thing has nothing to do with the other. If they threaten it, you should remove all business from them and go through someone else. There are companies who will give you discounts for getting all of your policies in one place (Farmers does it, maybe AllState) == == Your homeowner's policy can only be cancelled for non-payment of premium, or issues relating to the risk. If a company threatens to cancel your homeowners insurance just because you refuse to place your auto coverage with them, you have a legitimate complaint for the regulatory authorities. Your policy should contain the name and phone number of the agency that handles complaints, such as an Insurance Commissioner.

Can you be turned down for homeowners insurance if you are a convicted felon?

Sadly, yes. In the US, about the last remaining group of people against whom it is not illegal to discriminate are the formerly convicted. Do the time, do the crime. What they didn't tell you is that there is a whole world of biggots out there who will never let you parole or discharge.

Does homeowners insurance pay off your mortgage if the house is lost to fire while under construction?

Hey there, great question! I'm not an insurance agent, but I can give you some general insights into this scenario. Homeowners insurance typically covers a wide range of incidents, including fires. However, when your house is under construction, things can get a bit tricky. In most cases, when a home is still under construction and a fire occurs, the insurance payout might not directly go toward paying off your mortgage. Instead, it would typically help cover the cost of rebuilding or repairing the damaged part of the house. Your mortgage payments are a separate matter, and you're generally responsible for continuing to make those payments unless you have a specific mortgage protection insurance policy that comes into play in such situations. It's crucial to reach out to your insurance provider and mortgage lender to clarify the terms of your coverage and to ensure you have the right protections in place. Remember, insurance policies can vary, so it's essential to read the fine print and discuss your specific circumstances with professionals to make sure you're adequately covered during the construction phase. Now, let me share a personal story related to this. A few years ago, I was in the process of building my dream home when an unexpected fire broke out in the middle of construction. Panic set in, but fortunately, I had taken the time to review my homeowners insurance policy with my agent beforehand. It turned out that my policy did include coverage for fires during construction. While the insurance didn't pay off my mortgage directly, it did help cover the cost of repairing the damages and getting the project back on track. It was a stressful situation, but having the right insurance in place made all the difference. So, don't forget to review your policy and have that peace of mind when you're building your dream home!

Can anyone be turned down for obamacare because of their body weight?

Technically no; "pre-existing conditions" aren't a reason to deny health insurance coverage. But in reality, "Obamacare" was so badly written and has been so abysmally implemented that it happens fairly frequently.

Can you be billed for your medical bills if you were on a parent's insurance?

Being billed for medical services has nothing to do with insurance coverage, your parents or your own. Whether it is legal and appropriate to bill you would depend if you are an adult, if you signed the authorization form taking responsibility for the bill, and whether this was a workers compensation claim. If you are of age, you received treatment (not the insurance comapny) and are responsible for the bill. If you are not of age, your parents have legal responsibility to pay. Medical providers file insurance claims as a courtesy. If your insurance policy, or your parents', does not pay, you will have to. The debt would be turned over to a collection agency and would be reported on your credit report. It depends, if you had full coverage. Then NO, you are not responsible call you insurance and request a claim form follow the instructions on the form and submitt it, they should cover you medical bills.