

Where can I find more information on negative blood types?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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When we are thinking about negative and positive blood types, we are referring to the RH factor. Individuals with negative blood types may have certain characteristics such as extra vertebra and lower body temperatures.

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Q: Where can I find more information on negative blood types?
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Where can I find information on positive and negative blood types?

Your RH factor is what determines if your blood type is positive or negative. This factor helps determine who can safely recieve your blood from a transfusion, or what blood types you can safely recieve. has information on what bloodtypes can safely be mixed from transfusions and other data in their information section.

Where can I find out my blood type rarity?

You can find a list of blood type rarity on the American Red Cross website, as well as a wealth of good information on the subject of blood typing.There seems to be a higher occurance rate of positive blood types as opposed to negative blood types, but that does not necessarily mean that they are rare. The rarest blood type, though, is AB negative.

Is there a blood type chart available online?

The American Red Cross website offers a lot of information on blood types. You can find charts on recipient-donor compatibility, blood types by population, and how blood type is determined. You can find this information at

what are the types of blood types and how many of it?

There is a positive, a negative, b positive, b negative, o positive, o negative, ab positive, and ab negative. You can find out very good diets from your doctor.

Where may I find information about all blood types?

The American Red Cross website is a great reference for blood types. The American Red Cross can give you very detailed information on all blood types.

Are the diets for A positive and A negative blood types the same?

You can check the website to learn how to find the right diet for your different blood type that has different recipes for the blood types that are different.

Where can I find a list of all the different blood types?

If you can not find a chart online almost every local medical clinic will have a chart or all the blood types and more than enough information to give you the full listings of blood types.

Where can I find more information about people with blood types a?

The American Red Cross can give you most of the information you need. They have all the information on blood typing and that sort of information needed.

Where can I find my needed information and advice on the topic of a positive blood type list?

A very reliable website that offers good factual information about blood types is the red cross. Their site can be found at:

Which all blood types do we find in this world?

There are roughly 4 princible types of blood. There is A, B, O and AB. There is also postive and negative for each of those types of blood. All of these combined make up the majority of the population in an ABo type.

Where can I find information on blood type diet a negative?

There's no such thing as a negative blood type. Your A positive, B positive, etc. So something may be wrong there, unless you consider a blood type you're not as negative. Then in that case you may need to reword the question.

Where can I find information about different blood type diets?

There are multiple websites that can give you information on the different blood types and their diets. A couple examples are,,, and