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It is illegal for anyone to sell a gun to a minor, and for a minor to be in possession of a gun. If you are the minor, and you are trying to obtain a gun, please do NOT do this. There is absolutely no reason for a minor to have a gun, nor can any good come from it. As a minor, your reasoning abilities are not fully developed, since your brain has not fully matured. This is not saying you are not intelligent, just that your brain is not fully developed, much like your body. To obtain a gun would only lead to some one getting hurt (or worse), and ruining your life, as well as the lives of those who love you, and the one who got hurt. Violence is never the answer, no matter what the situation. So, please, find someone you can talk to that can help you find another solution, no matter what your reasons are for wanting a gun, before you ruin your life, and the lives of others.

answer for Missouri/Texas/Arkansas you are aloud to own a rifle or shot guns as long as your parents give consent and you can transport a long gun at 16 for range practice hunting and any lawful activity's with a gun and no pistole's under 21, look up the laws before you talk because other people that know the answer WILL make you look stupid and in Oklahoma a minor cant buy a cap gun but thy can buy shot guns freely

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14y ago

Generally speaking, open up the phone book and look for gun shops. Every state in the U.S. has a gun shop somewhere. Laws on purchasing a gun vary slightly in some states, so depending on where you are, you may have to follow a different procedure. Here in Tennessee, to purchase a gun from a dealer, you must be 21, fill out a form, show a picture ID, and wait for a background check. You can also legally purchase a handgun from an individual legally as long as the gun isn't stolen.

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