

Where can a person buy organic dog food in Long Beach?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Pet Co in Long Beach is the only nearby retailer that currently carries organic dog food. It is much more expensive than their normal dog food.

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Q: Where can a person buy organic dog food in Long Beach?
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Does organic food not last as long as non organic food?

Unless non-organic food contains preservatives, organic food should last as long as non-organic.

What is a natural organic food diet?

A natural organic food diet is where a person goes on a diet strictly eating food that is not processed and fresh from nature. It is good for your health and cheaper!

Why is organic food organic?

Organic food is organic because it was grown without using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, if the organic food is processed, it does not have additives and preservatives that are not organic. It is non-GMO.

How do you know if the corn you buy in supermarkets is organic?

A person can tell if the corn they are buying is organic by looking at the labels prior to making a purchase. A person may also consider shopping at places like Whole Foods, where they specialize in organic food.

What is a comparison between organic food and non organic food in structure and taste and which one is expensive?

Most of the time, organic and non organic food will have the same structure and teste. The organic food will be more expensive.

Does Walmart sell organic food?

Yes Walmart does sell organic food but it is very hard to find.The term 'organic food' refers to food that is grown according to certain standards. Production is based on the avoidance of toxic and long lasting pesticides and fertilizers. Food that is labeled "Certified Organic" must meet certain government imposed regulations.You can read more about organic food at the link provided below.

Why do most people chose not to eat organic food?

Most often, people chose not to eat organic food because organic food costs more than non-organic food.

Can you get diseases by eating organic food?

Yes, just like non-organic food, if organic food becomes contaminated you can get a disease from it.

Does organic food cause autism?

No, organic food does not cause autism.

Why you have non organic food in the supermarkets?

Supermarkets have non-organic food because people buy it and most of the food grown is non-organic.

What percentage of food sales in the US is organic food?

Organic food sales in the US account for about 5% of total food sales. This percentage has been steadily increasing in recent years as more consumers are opting for organic products due to health and environmental concerns.

What is the difference between Inorganic and Organic Food?

In general organic contains carbon molecules and/or those related to life. It is the chemistry of carbon containing compounds. Inorganic is everything else and generally do not contain carbon (with some exceptions).