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go to Google and type in Gregor Mendel's life timeline,and make sure to use correct grammar punctation, when you get there click on Gregor Mendel, father of genetics-Timeline index and when you click it and open up the site it will be ther waiting for you, I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Where can I find a timeline of Johann Gregor Mendel's Great Accomplishments?

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Q: Where can i find a timeline of Johann gregor Mendel's great accomplishments?
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What was the country of Johann Gregor Mendel?

Johann Gregor Mendel was from Austria.

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Johann Gregor Memhardt died in 1678.

When was Johann Gregor Memhardt born?

Johann Gregor Memhardt was born in 1607.

A timeline of Gregor Mendel's life from 1865-1870?

go gregor mendels life will be there from 1822-1884 including from 1865-1870 enjoy if not then i am sincerely sorry but its worth a try cause it helped me with my essay and i you with whatever it is you need help with. d:-p

What is Gregor Johann Mendel's birthday?

Gregor Johann Mendel was born on July 20, 1822.

When was Gregor Johann Mendel born?

Gregor Johann Mendel was born on July 20, 1822.

When did Gregor Johann Mendel die?

Gregor Johann Mendel died on January 6, 1884 at the age of 61.

What do mendels principles apply to?

Gregor Mendel developed principles of heredity.

How old was Gregor Johann Mendel at death?

Gregor Johann Mendel died on January 6, 1884 at the age of 61.