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In planetary atmospheres, as winds;

In Suns, as radiation;

In oceans, as currents and tides;

Inside celestial bodies, as heat;

In radioactive materials.

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Q: Where can non-conventional - or alternative - sources of energy be found?
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Which alternative energy source is found in Iceland?

The majority of alternative energy sources were put in place by Mannvit Engineering. Currently the most common sources of alternative energy in Iceland are geothermal energy and hydroelectric energy. Mannvit is still exploring other alternative energy sources to be implemented throughout Iceland and the rest of the world.

What is an alternative source?

When a primary source is no longer available or out of reach, an alternative resource must be found to take its place.When a primary source is no longer available or out of reach, an alternative resource must be found to take its place.When a primary source is no longer available or out of reach, an alternative resource must be found to take its place.When a primary source is no longer available or out of reach, an alternative resource must be found to take its place.When a primary source is no longer available or out of reach, an alternative resource must be found to take its place.When a primary source is no longer available or out of reach, an alternative resource must be found to take its place.

Why must new sources of energy be found?

Because of pollution

How can you use alternative energy for?

The main reason to use alternative resources for energy is because the energy being used now will not last forever. It will at some point run out if alternative resources are not found. Another reason is to save money.

Which groups of words are energy sources for muscles?

Creatine phosphate and ATP are both sources of energy for the muscles. Creatine phosphate is found in vertebrate muscle, while ATP can be found anywhere within the cell.

Will we run out of oil?

Eventually - yes !.... at which point we had better have already found an alternative energy source !

What are the different energy sources found in the Philippines?

The majority of the energy sources in the Philippines are only available in small amounts. Oil, coal, and natural gas are limited resources in the Philippines, but renewable energy sources like hydropower and geothermal alternatives are abundant.

Nuclear Power vs other sources of energy what are the dangers benefits to the alternative sources of energy?

I don't see how nuclear power can be either a benefit or a danger to alternative sources of energy, they are not related. Nuclear energy has the benefit of providing power for a long time at low fuel cost. The only problem is the high start up cost. Wind is dangerous because of icing and fires. Hydroelectric destroys homes and natural habitats. Natural Gas and Oil are extremely expensive the whole time while in use. Coal puts off more radiation than nuclear energy in coal -ash. The only safe alternative is solar. The only problem with solar is the lack of power generated in the amount of space taken up, not efficient. Nuclear waist is not a problem in my opinion ether. We lived with it below ground before we discovered it why not put it back where we found it.

Why do we need to improve sources of energy that are not fossil fuels?

since fossil fuels can be found almost anywhere in the world we need to improve sources of energy so that they are around the world............

What are good sources of renewable energy?

Windmills and solar panels are good sources of renewable energy, as well as hydroelectric energy found in dams. I have also recently heard of a home heating and cooling system that uses geothermal energy by running pipes through the ground on your property.

What energy sources do the Lactobacillus and streptococcus in yogurt use?

the sugars found in the yogurt. Most commonly lactose

Why alternative energy resources are not widely used?

In some cases, or even in most, alternative energy is expensive to produce. Energy such as coal or gas, which can be found in the earth are far less expensive to obtain. Solar heating panels can heat your whole home but few can afford the $5-6000 it would cost.