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The places to find information about having trouble sleeping are many. Some of the more popular choices include: NHS Direct, Web MD, Online Doctors and Nurses and many more.

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Q: Where can someone find information about having trouble sleeping?
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It means having sex

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You need to contact your doctor to talk about switching medications. If you are still having trouble sleeping and if you are showing other side effects, stop taking the medication so you can start a new one.

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If the person that you are sleeping next to thinks this is, then it sounds like they are trying to use you. If you get a satisfaction when just hanging around with them and not sleeping next to them, then thats what spending time with them is. If you are having trouble thinking about it, then address it to the person. If they truly understand, then they will give you a true undestanding.

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take dimatap

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Taking someone to bed. That implies having sex with the person, "sleeping" with them.

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Tossing & Turning, Talking, Watching TV, Lights on