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Q: Where can you buy a pair of crutches these days?
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How do you get crutches if you really want them?

Crutches are sold in medical supply stores, so go buy a pair of them. If you have never used them let me warn you they are not easy to use and they hurt under your arms.

Does rite aid sell crutches?

$41 a pair

Can I buy or rent crutches at Walgreen's?


How do you fake injuring your knee do that the doctor gives you crutches?

Put on an Ace bandage, buy your crutches and voila! I understand though, that walking and living with crutches is no picnic for the shoulders.

How much money is a pair of crutches?

It depends on your insurance. I know that individuals with medicare have a coverage of 20 percent for crutches. I not sure about the others but you can contact your insurance company to make you are covered. The prices range anywhere between $39.99 to $100.00.

Can you ride with crutches on my bike?

Actually using the crutches to ride is difficult, And usually if you need crutches there's something wrong with your legs, and you tend to need those to ride. But assuming that you're still fit enough to operate the bike there's no law against strapping a pair of crutches to the bike to bring them with you.

Do you need crutches when you have been limping for 3 days straight?

Go see a doctor and they will tell you what is wrong with it and if there is enough damage to need crutches

Does a twisted ankle need crutches?

It depends on you. If there's no fracture, than you don't need crutches unless you want crutches. If you feel you cannot walk easily/ step on your sprained ankle at all, than you should get crutches. If you can limp around just fine, then there is no reason to get crutches.

How do you get human urine scent out of sneakers?

Buy a new pair or leave them out in the sun for a few days.

How do you get crutches but not from the hospital?

You can try a charitable organisation like the Red Cross to loan them or purchase a pair in the disability shop.

How much does a good pair of dental fangs cost?

it costs about $300 and £400. they are expensive or u can go to ur local joke shop and buy a pair that last for to days.