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You can look up the kosher list at the link I have attached, but I don't think you can download it from there, unless you download each sub-page separately.

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Q: Where can you download a kosher list for sydney?
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Is sea robin kosher?

It is kosher. Please visit the related link for a list of fish that are recognised as kosher.

If carp is a bottom feeder how is it kosher?

Yes, carp is kosher. For a list of kosher/non-kosher fish, please see Related Links:

What kosher fish can be substituted for non kosher fish?

Kosher fish have fins and scales. I've attached a related link that provides a comprehensive list of kosher fish.

In the books of Moses birds with web feet are listed as unclean. Why are they listed as kosher in kosher meat markets?

This is incorrect. The rules of kashrut for birds are different from those for meat or fish, there are no "rules" as what constitutes a kosher bird, rather there is a list of birds that are not kosher. It is generally accepted wisdom that birds of prey are not kosher, however this too is incorrect, as any bird of prey that does not appear in the list is kosher. The list can be seen in Deutronomy chap. 14, verses 11-20

Is sees candy kosher?

See the Related Link for a list of their products that have kosher-certification. Being in Israel, I cannot confirm their claim nor dispute it. Sees kosher-certified items

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Rascasse fish is also known as Scorpionfish which is a kosher species. Please see the related link for a comprehensive list of kosher and non-kosher fish.

Is Tyson meat kosher?

Nothing made by this company is kosher. If you want to know whats kosher look at the list on the rca's website. (rabbinic council of America.)

What is list of kosher food?

Kosher is a designation given to any food that is prepared following the laws of kashrut (Jewish dietary laws). As such, it would be impossible to provide a list of kosher foods as the number of items exceeds several hundred thousand items.

Is there a listing for kosher whiskey and liquors?

There is a great website with a comprehensive list of whiskey and liquor, listing what is Kosher and the Kosher standard. with explanations and sources. See my link, highly recommended

Are now and later candies halal?

This product is no longer certified Kosher. Please disregard if this item appears on the Kosher products list.

What foods are pareve that are on the kosher list?

Yes. It should be labeled as having had rabbinic supervision for passover use. Note that Kosher for Passover certification is distinct from the Kosher certification that non-Passover wines may have.

Is robitussin cough medicine kosher?

See star k list of medicines