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It's not available on the DSi shop or the 3DS eStore, you'd have to get the cartridge version.

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Q: Where can you download harvest moon sunshine islands?
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My GBA Harvest Moon friends of mineral town's save data is always corrupt How can I stop this?

This happened to me and sadly there is no particualar way to stop this. There are only a cuple of choices you have one is to continue making new games and playing till it corrupts again when you save it. Another is to never turn your game of and to keep it on the charger, but this can burn your screen or overheat your game and the other choice is to buy another Harvest Moon if you can't find them at you local game store try and order it in if your intent on buying it.

What are the phase?

The Phases of the moon are Full moon,Waxing Gibbous,Waning Gibbous, Waxing Cresent, Waning Cresent and New Moon.

If magnetic compass does not work on moon Why electric motor work on moon?

No because the Moon does not have a magnetic field like the Earth does. The Earth's magnetic field appears to be created by a liquid metalic out core circulating around a solid core. This works like a dynamo which creates the magnetic field around the Earth. The Moon lacks a similar core stucture. This is also the reason why the Monn has no atmosphere.A magnetic compass would not work on the moon, for the moon does not have the magnetic field that the earth has, allowing us to use this device.No, because moon does not have magnetic force like earth

How did the cold war effect technology?

We landed a man on the moon because of it!

How could you use impossible in a sentence?

It is impossible to put a toothpaste back into its tube. It is impossible to jump to the moon.

Related questions

Can you have babies in harvest moon sunshine islands?

You can have one child in Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island. He/She will remain a toddler forever.

IS Harvest Moon sunshine islands the same as Harvest Moon islands of happiness?

No similar but different game, characters, concept.

What is the Harvest Moon Sunshine Island game ID?

The game ID code for Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands is YB3E-AEFCB055

How do you get seeds in harvest moon sunshine islands?

You purchase them from Chen.

Can you have children in Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands if you playing as a girl?


In harvest moon sunshine islands how do you get the harvest goddess festival?

You have to have the church which in on the west side of the island.

What Harvest Moon DS game should I get?

harvest moon sunshine islands it's a really good game i love it !

Where can you buy harvest moon sunshine islands?

Ebay would be your best bet

How do you get money on Harvest Moon sunshine islands?

Place items in the shipment bins.

What is the fourth pet you can have in harvest moon sunshine islands?

You can get a Dog, Cat, Horse, and Pig as pets in Sunshine Island.

Do you ever get old and die in the DS game Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands?

No, you will not die in the Harvest Moon series nor is there a time limit.

When does Julia get pregnant on Harvest moon sunshine islands?

I think it is 2 seasons after marriage.