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A quick search reveals the names of two companies, LifeGems and Memorial Diamonds, that can both create diamonds from human ashes. Both companies appear to be operating in USA.

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Q: Where can you find a company that makes human ashes into diamonds?
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Why did Blackfoot Indians put ashes on there feet?

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Boron is the trace element in blue diamonds.

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Gem-quality diamonds are coloured by the inclusion of trace minerals within the crystalline composition of the diamond. For example, nitrogen makes diamonds yellow and/or brown; boron gives diamonds a blue hue, and some coloured diamonds acquire their colour based on structural defects.

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Because they are rare

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Ashes come from the burning of something. This would be charcol or wood or cigarettes. When humans are cremated that makes ashes as well. Ashes seem to come from just about anything.

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