

Where can you find a good alkaline 12v battery charger?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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There are many stores and websites that sell good alkaline 12v battery chargers. A few examples are Amazon, Newegg, Home Depot, Lowe's, and Radio Shack.

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Q: Where can you find a good alkaline 12v battery charger?
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What charger do you need for a 12v motorcycle battery?

Any good 12 volt battery charger that puts out around 10 amps. Make sure it is an automatic charger. The same charger you use on an auto battery can be used on a motorcycle battery.

What keeps a battery charger from over charging a battery pack?

Most good battery chargers are automatic and will stop charging when the battery is fully charged. But if the charger is a manual charger it can overcharge the battery. With this type charger it is up to you to remove the charger when the battery is fully charged. Normally this is based on the amount of time the charger takes to charge the battery pack. Operators manual will list the time.

Does the type of charger you use matter for having a good battery life?

Yes, the type of charger affects the battery life of your device; using a charger not recommended by your manufacturer ruins the battery life of your device.

Can you charge a 6v battery with a 9v charger?

no, if you charge 9 volt battery with 12 volt battery you will destroy 9 volt battery

What happens to a 6 volt battery with a 12 volt charge?

A: Now that depends on how good the 12v charger is. If it can pump a lot of current out of it that will destroy the battery by heating it, If the charger is current limited then the battery will be safe and so will be the charger. If the charger has no current limiting then the charger will heat up and destroy itself. The whole thing comes up to be a power question who is more powerful battery or charger

New car battery not used for months will not accept charge from charger?

Some car battery charges will not charge a completely dead battery. You need to find a type of battery charger that is designed to charge a completely dead battery. You can get around this by hooking a car with a working battery up to the dead battery with jumper cables. The alternator/charging system of the car with the good battery will charge the dead battery. Leave them connected for about 30 min, then disconnect and try to use the battery charger again. If it still won't charge, hook it up to the car with the good battery for a longer period of time.

What is the standard rated charger for 12v battery?

10 −15 amp is a good size charger.

What are some good brands for rechargeable battery rechargers?

Top rated battery chargers include the Alpha Power, Sony Quick Charger, WizardOne Charger-Analyzer, the Energizer Recharge Rapid Charger, and the Duracell GoMobile Charger.

Why will sears lawn mower battery not charge?

Do you mean that you can not charge it with a battery charger or the mower will not charge it while it is running? If you can not charge it with a battery charger and you are sure that the charger works then the battery is bad. These type batteries are only good for a couple years. If the mower is not charging the battery it could be a number of things.

How do you keep a battery good if car is sitting?

Purchase a trickle charger and keep it connected to the battery.

How do you use battery charger for car?

using car maintainer,,,, There is a big difference in a regular Battery Charger and a Battery Maintainer. A Maintainer will keep a battery charged and can be connected full time without overcharging. The usual Battery Charger is for intermittent use at times when your battery is so weak that it must be recharged in a short time, then disconnected from the charger to keep it from overcharging. A good Maintainer can not overcharge.

What charger do you need for a 24 volt battery?

The formula you are looking for is I = W/E. Amps = Watts/Volts. 300/24 = 12.5 amps. A good charger with an output of 15 amps will do the job nicely. The time that it will take to charge the battery will depend on the amp/hrs of the connected battery and the state of discharge that the battery is in when charging starts.