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Q: Where can you find a lice comb?
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Can you find lice combs at walmart?

Yes. But don't forget the comb only gets the lice eggs. To kill the actual lice you need the special shampoo that usually comes with a comb.

Can you find lice with no help?

-yes, with a mirror and a comb. -You can check for lice behind the ears, around the neck, or around the crown. Lice can turn from clear white, to dark brown.

Do you have to cut your hair when you have lice?

Not necessarily. You will need to use lice killing shampoo and pick out the lice with a comb.

How long can lice infect stuffed animals?

yes, but not on the inside, you can usually tell by running a special lice comb through the animal, and if you see any on the comb, then you know there is some on your animal.

Why doesn't rid or nix work on head lice?

This only loosens the lice you need a special comb to remove them

How does lice get into your body?

Lice don't live in your body, they live on your body. Lice transmission is from shared items with someone who is infected (hairbrush, comb, scrunchies etc)

Where does phrase search with fine tooth comb come from?

From the comb and process of looking for and coming out an infestation of human head lice or "nits".

How do you get rid of lice on a baby?

I'm not sure , but I do know that lice love clean hair and hate oily hair. I had lice for a long time as a teen because my parents thought I made it up so I had to find my own way to get rid of it. I washed my hair twice in 2 weeks and they hated it.

Can boiling water kill head lice on brush and comb?

AnswerYes. Boiling water will kill lice and nits on a brush and comb. I would boil for 10 minutes but less time may be necessary to kill the lice and nits. You do not need to boil overnight. Lice and nits cannot survive in very high temperatures. Research has shown that lice and their eggs can survive freezing temperatures..

How are lice born?

lice are insects. people who have lice comb their hair and little lice eggs/larvae get left on the comb. they wear a hat it gets stuck on the hat. when someone else uses the comb/hat, the eggs/larvae get left on their scalp, hatch, and reproduce

How can one remove hair lice?

use a nit comb. or if the nit comb doesnt work maybe choose 2 cut the hair shorter.

Who makes anElectric steam comb to rid head lice?

There are a couple of companies that make the electric steam combi, these include Rid and Robi Comb. Head lice can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition that needs to be taken care of as soon as it is noticed.