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Q: Where can you find a map that shows how many representatives are in each state?
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Where can you find a map that shows the representatives?

google image type in representative maps

What are college votes?

* Electoral College votes are the votes of the Electors in each state. when we vote, it's called the Popular Vote. You can find the amount of electors your state has by this: Each state has 2 senators+ the number of representatives your state has= the amount of state electors you have. The electors cast the final votes for the election.

Who are the state representatives in Massachusetts?

There are 160 members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. You can find a list by district at the related link below.

Who is the state representitive of Illinois?

There is many representatives in Illinois so search for your district, town, or county and you might be able to find it. the state representatives for Huntley Illinois is Tim Schmitz

How do you decide how many us representatives each state can have?

its based on the states population and some kind of math formula!! ;D P.S good luck trying to find the formula!

How does taking of a census every ten years affect congress?

The census is taken every ten years to find out how many people are living in each state. Following the resume, seats in the House of Representatives are reapportioned based on population. This is because the number of seats in the House of Representatives that each state receives are based on population, this is called proportional representation because the number of representatives is proportional to the number of people living in their state. During reapportionment some states may lose seats in Congress or gain them depending on the fluctuation of the states population.

Find out who is your us and state senator and representatives are how to contact them?

Type in google; State Legislature. Change "State" to your own state. Go to the website, and find your local office branch. Find the place in mapquest, and go down there to set up a meeting.

How could one contact the US House of Representatives?

Each representative has their own website page that you can visit. There you can find the representatives contact details. Alternatively you could write a letter and send it directly to the House of Representatives.

How does the US census affect the numbers of members each state has in the House of Representatives?

Based on the census, we find out how many people are living where, which determines where we draw the congressional districts. Based the number of people living there, we may have to decrease or increase the number of districts within a state.

Who represents my state in the US congress?

You can find your state's US Senators and US Representatives at the related link below. To find your own representative by Zip Code, use the other related link.

What is the legislature branch?

The legislative branch of the federal government consists of the Congress, which is divided into two chambers -- the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each member of Congress is elected by the people of his or her state. The House of Representatives, with membership based on state populations, has 435 seats, while the Senate, with two members from each state, has 100 seats. Members of the House of Representatives are elected for two-year terms, and Senators are elected for six-year terms. yes that is the correct answer

Who elects a person running to serve in the State House of Representatives?

These representatives are elected the citizens living in a Congressional District. You can find your representative(s) by using their handy tool listed in related links.