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* Electoral College votes are the votes of the Electors in each state. when we vote, it's called the Popular Vote.

You can find the amount of electors your state has by this:

Each state has 2 senators+ the number of representatives your state has= the amount of state electors you have.

The electors cast the final votes for the election.

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What is the name of the college that totals the presidential votes?

The name of the college that totals the presidential votes is the Electoral College.

Which stats had the most electoral college votes?

Recently, if correct, California had the most electoral college votes with 55 votes.

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Abraham Lincoln, Republican, Illinois, 1,865,908 votes, 180 electoral college votes. John C. Breckinridge, Southern Democratic, Kentucky, 848,019 votes, 72 electoral college votes. John Bell, Constitutional Union/Whig, Tennessee, 590,901 votes, 39 electoral college votes. Stephen A. Douglas, Northern Democratic, Illinois, 1,380,202 votes, 12 electoral college votes.

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Obama 365 votes, McCain173 votes.

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Virginia has 13 electoral college votes.

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Georgia has 15 electorial votes.

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This group is called the electoral college; its members are called electors and the votes it casts are called electoral votes.

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electorial college, and that's not a school

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Alaska has 3 electoral college votes.

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California had 10 electoral college votes in 1908.

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NUMBER of ELECTORAL VOTES RECIEVED by RICHARD M. NIXON:1952 : 442 votes for vice president (83.2%)1956 : 457 votes for vice president (86.1%)1960 : 219 votes for president (40.8%)1968 : 301 votes for president (55.9%)1972 : 520 votes for president (96.7%)

How many votes California haves?

13,561,900 votes were cast in the 2008 presidential election in California, translating into 55 electoral college votes.