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That's a great, big, whomping "it depends." Tortoises and turtles are not "easy pets" - they require much more space in terms of habitat than they look like they would, do far better outdoors than inside, and often have very, VERY particular dietary needs... EBTs are omnivores, and their eating habits should be scrupulously researched and cross-checked, because not all the information on the Web about them is accurate. Much research and a good bit of herp sense is needed before taking on the care of any chelonian fulltime, and an EBT in particular needs a knowledgeable keeper. Vet care is also expensive and can be difficult to find. EBTs are a species of concern in much of their American range, suffering from habitat depletion, a slow maturation and reproductive rate, and the bane of all native herps, the collection of wild "specimins" for the pet trade - EBTs and others are apparently very much in demand in Europe and Asia, as herp lovers there try not to deplete their own native species with overcollection. Many American states restrict ownership of these chelonians to one - check with your DEP before deciding you must have one! As a result, the answer would be a "probably not" for most people looking for a simple pet... and a "definite maybe" for someone who could provide the EBT with a suitable outdoor home, and possibly look into being mentored by a herp specialist or DEP employee to breed and reintroduce EBTs back into their native range... not something to undertake alone, mind you, since the breeding pair would need to be blood tested to assure purity. I'd never think that "yes" would be an appropriate answer, simply because of the numbers of factors to be considered. There are plenty of captive-bred chelonians out there that would likely make better pets or display specimins for most collectors.

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When did the eastern box turtle become the state reptile?

In North Carolina, the eastern box turtle was designated state reptile in 1979.

Are Eastern box turtle herbivores?

No they are omnivores

What are the enemies to a eastern box turtle?

A lawnmower.

What is the scientific classifacation of a box turtle?

The Eastern Box Turtle is classified as terrapene carolina carolina.The Western Box Turtle is classified as terrapene ornata.

Is a eastern box turtle a snapping turtle?

No it isn't.It's part of the hinge shelled turtle family.

Where Eastern box turtle live?

North Carolina

What eats a eastern box turtle?

thier poor because they live in a box

What is like a small tortoise?

Eastern Box Turtle, In the U.S.

What type of turtle is Franklin?

He kind of looks like Verne from over the hedge... he might be a Box Turtle in general or maybe some species of slider.

Where do find box turtles?

at the box turtle store

Can a eastern box turtle share a tank with a eastern painted turtle and mate with it?

No, different types of turtles can only mate with each other if they are both part of the same sub species. for instance yellow belly sliders and red eared sliders can mate. but a painted turtle and box turtle would not mate.

How much offspring can a eastern box turtle have?

Over nine thousand. Most die.