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Q: Where can you find coral reefs all the world?
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Why are coral reefs importmant for fishing?

yes because certain types of fish are in coral reefs all across the world

Does coral reefs have high and low tides?

Tides are a world wide ocean and sea thing. As all coral reefs I have heard of are in the oceans and seas, Yes all coral reefs have normal tidal action.

Is coral reefs biotic?

Yes they are because they are made of coral which is living, all parts of the coral reefs are alive

Why boat anchors destroyed coral reefs?

because boat anchors are heavy and when you drop it it smashes the coral reefs and all the things that make up the coral reefs.

Where are butterfly fish from?

Butterfly fish are from all over the world and live in the coral reefs.

What does the term brain coral mean?

Brain coral is simply a type or coral that is closely knit to resemble the look of a brain. This coral can be found in coral reefs all over the world.

Where are Butterfly from?

Butterfly fish are from all over the world and live in the coral reefs.

How many coral make reefs their homes?

Almost all corals are from reefs.

How many coral reefs die each year?

In some areas of the world, coral reefs are dying. Pollution, tourism and fishing all pose hazards to what are relatively fragile ecosystems. No doubt there are some isolated coral reefs which are thriving.

Can the blue whale be found in coral reefs?

No, whales don't live on coral reefs. They live in more productive areas, and open water.

Were is a coral reef?

Coral reefs can be found ALL AROUND THE WORLD! the largest coral reef is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. around 1260 different ones

Would you expect to find coral reefs growing near the mouth of the Amazon?

No, the Amazon River expells 4.2 million cubic feet of water per second. This is too great for fragile coral to ever form, even disregarding all the other reasons why you would not find coral reefs near the mouth of the Amazon.