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at a pharmacy.

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Apparently, you cant . . .

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Q: Where can you find liquid baby aspirin?
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Does aspirin have a liquid form?

Aspirin is occassionally added to other multi-medication elixirs. Also, an aspirin elixir (baby aspirin) is also available. I seem to recall Bayer makes it, but I may be wrong.

Does the temperature of the liquid you put the aspirin in matter?

Yes the temperature does matter the liquid needs to be hotter. The liquid is that the aspirin is in the faster the aspirin will dissolve.

Is low dose aspirin the same as baby aspirin?

81mg is the common dosage for "baby" aspirin

What strength of Tylenol can you take with baby aspirin?

Aspirin and Tylenol are unrelated. You can take the full recommended dose of Tylenol (acetominophen) if you are taking a baby aspirin.

Can you substitute baby aspirin for real aspirin?

Yes, you can. Baby aspirin is the same as regular aspirin, just 1/4 of the regular amount (81mg instead of 330 mg). Since aspirin causes stomach bleeding, it is advisable to only take small amounts of it. 1-2 pills of baby aspirin usually works fine for me.

What does baby aspirin 81 mg T PO QD Qty?

81mg baby aspirin T PO QD means to take one 81mg tablet of baby aspirin by mouth every day.

Would taking aspirin harm baby before you find out your pregnant?

i tried one but it doesnt have an affect at all......

If your cat got a whole baby aspirin?


What grain is baby aspirin?

1.25 grains

Can Aspirin pass through breastmilk?

Aspirin can pass into breast milk and may affect the baby

How many baby aspiring instead of regular aspirin?

How much you give of either buffered adult aspirin or baby aspirins depends on the weight of your dog: A dog that weighs 8 lbs, would get 1/2 baby aspirin or less. A dog weighing 16 lbs, would get 1 baby aspirin. A dog weighing 32 lbs, would get 1/2 buffered adult aspirin or 2 baby aspirins. A dog weighing 48 lbs, would get 3/4 buffered adult aspirin or 3 baby aspirins. A dog weighing 64 lbs, would get 1 buffered adult aspirin or 4 baby aspirins. A dog weighing 80 lbs, would get 1 1/4 buffered adult aspirin or 5 baby aspirins. A dog weighing 96 lbs, would get 1 1/2 buffered adult aspirin or 6 baby aspirins. Aspirin can cause gastrointestinal upsets and ulcers in dogs, just as in humans. You should pay attention to your dog's eating habits when you have been giving it aspirin to watch for signs of an upset stomach (such as not wanting to eat, or vomiting) and stop giving the aspirin. To minimize stomach problems, always give food with the aspirin.

Can you take Baby Aspirin Toviaz and Cymbalta at the same time or should you spread out over the day?

Toviaz is safe to take with both baby aspirin and cymbalta.