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You can put it in a box with a cloth on top and the food inside.

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Q: Where can you put a male hamster if you do not have a cage?
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How can you get your hamster to get pregnant?

you put it in the same cage with a male hamster

How do you interduce a male hamster to a female hamster?

All you have to do is put the male and the female into the same cage. But you should keep an eye on them for they may fight or mate.

Can you put a female guinea pig with a female hamster Or a male guinea pig with a female hamster?

you shoudl not put a hamster and a guinea pig in the same cage no matter what.

Can you put a male and a female hamster in the same cage?

Unless they're sprayed and neutered they'll breed if you do. This would be bad if the hamsters are closely related. In other words, yes it would be fine to put a female and a male hamster in the same cage.

What can you do for a pregnant hamster when she is giving birth?

Remove the male hamster from the cage and put it in another one. Just make sure you give enough nutrients to the female hamster.

Can you put a female and male dwarf hamster in the same cage?

Only if you don't mind them having little hamsters.

How do you say .broken. and .hamster cage. in spanish?

(It would not let me put commas.) broken-- hamster cage--

Can a hamster die if you put it in a new cage?

Yes, it'd be best for the new hamster who is coming in to the cage. And would be much more sanitary.

How do i make hamster have baby's?

Put a hamster of the opposite sex in its cage.

I took my female hamster into school and a kid put it in a male hamsters cage they were in there for about 15 minutes i was wondering if that was long enough to get the female pregnant?

yes, the hamster could be pregnant.

Can a male dwarf hamster go into a female dwarf hamster's cage?

No,no,and definitely not. That is a very bad idea. A male hamster should NEVER be placed in a female's cage, because female hamsters are very defensive about their territory,and will attack your male if he is placed in her cage. If you want the perfect set-up for more hamsters, you should put the female in the male's cage. Since males aren't as defensive about their territory as females, the female will get used to your male hamster's scent. Then they might eventually mate,then you should take her out of his cage. This happened when I first had 3 dwarf hamsters. We put our smallest one, Snowy, into our ferocious female hamster's cage , Paws (it was Chompers at the time, but we changed the name), and she tackled Snowy all over the place. He would have been killed if we hadn't have taken him out. A few years later, I learned in a book about hamsters and their mating, and discovered our problem with putting Snowy in Paws' cage.

What will happen if the boy hamster is not taken out of the cage when the girl hamster is pregnant?

They will probably fight. However, a dwarf hamster male can stay in the cage with the female. He can help raise the babies.