

Where did Ahab say he would go to search for Moby Dick?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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the equator?

Yes, the equator in the Indian ocean.

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Q: Where did Ahab say he would go to search for Moby Dick?
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What is the name that hunted Moby Dick?

Captain Ahab is the character who hunted Moby Dick in the novel "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville.

Where did Ahab say he would search for Moby Dick?

Captain Ahab tells his crew that he will search for Moby Dick in every sea, from the Arctic to the Antarctic.

Why Starbucks protest Ahab's intention to kill Moby Dick?

Because Starbuck doesn't want Ahab to kill Moby Dick because Moby Dick didn't had the fault that Ahab lost his leg.

Which ship is captained by ahab in moby-dick?

Captain Ahab commands the whaling ship Pequod in the novel "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville. He leads the crew on a vengeful quest to hunt and kill the white whale, Moby Dick.

What was the full name of the book Moby Dick?

The full name of the book is "Moby-Dick; or, The Whale" written by Herman Melville.

Who was the captain of the pequod in Moby-dick?

Captain Ahab was the captain of the Pequod in the novel Moby-Dick. He is on a quest for revenge against the white whale, Moby Dick, which leads to the tragic end of the ship and its crew.

Why did starbuck protest ahab intention to kill Moby Dick?

Because Starbuck doesn't want Ahab to kill Moby Dick because Moby Dick didn't had the fault that Ahab lost his leg.

Who asked Captain Ahab if Moby Dick had taken off his leg?

Starbuck asked Captain Ahab if Moby Dick had taken off his leg. Starbuck was concerned about Ahab's obsession with revenge and wanted him to give up his pursuit of the whale.

How many times has Ahab meet Moby Dick?

Captain Ahab meets Moby Dick in Herman Melville's novel "Moby-Dick" only once. Their encounter is a critical moment in the story as Ahab seeks revenge on the white whale for taking his leg.

The name of the ship that Captain Ahab set sail in to hunt for Moby Dick?

The ship Captain Ahab set sail in to hunt for Moby Dick was named the Pequod.

What happened to Ahab?

Moby Dick drags Ahab to the bottom of the sea.

Who pursues Moby Dick?

Captain Ahab.